ALL code needs compiling. You just don't recognize it.
<tab> as the first separator indicates that you to want to store a local commandline.

WRITE<space>123 executes immediately while

WRITE<tab>123  stores a line labeled WRITE with a nonsense code 123

WRITE<tab>WRITE<apace>123  creates a useful command line that you may run by


This just explains what is happening. But this is not a programming tutorial.

It's an ages-old story dating back almost 50 years.
At that time code was not compiled but interpreted (as Python shell today)
the code was kept in the local partition and <tab> signaled that this is to be kept and not executed immediately.  Also, somelabel<tab> worked like that.

Today it is compiled undercover, but not kept.  Similar to the origin.

you are mixing things.
#1) working:
1.1 yo talk to login + authentication
1.2 you talk to command prompt that stores your code locally. 
#2) not working
 authentication from script is not supported, the rest goes nowhere
#3) not working examples
both assume that
3.1 you enter the code in Studio, VSCode, ...and COMPILE  it.
3.2 you call the compiled code from the command line

To my experience, it is a 5 CONNECTIONS limit overruling the whole licensing code.
implemented in the most restrictive way you can think of.
My bypass was to apply for a demo license (container) and non-castrated image.
It's evident to me that the Community License is just for ****** censored ******
not for adult applications.   
I feel  - not amused (brit.) - about this company. @Andreas Dieckow 

Hi @Scott Roth !
from my ~260+ reviews, I can confirm to you that Docker provides just the vanilla platform for 
demonstration and prepares genal settings (eg.REST)  and shuffles demo data.
But in 98% of those cases, the effective code is installed by ZPM.  
And if ZPM is not installed there is one of those famous 1-liners to install it  (with enough privileges).

To me, docker-compose is just a comfortable way to mix up ports, and volumes, to integrate the container with the environment outside the container.
I'm rather sure our well known Docker Experts have a related cookbook ready for publishing
(there was just no contest to win a prize for it and make money)

The real info on what to copy where is mostly in Dockerfile., which is called by docker-compose.

Out of curiosity.
For my review analysis, I try to read the STARS In OpenExchange review pages.
The display is generated by Drupal based on some frames running JS scripts in the browser, filled with data from a DB in background that I have no access to.
Is there a chance by using BeautifulSoup to analyze this dynamic content?