As Issues are disabled in the GitHub Repo I place my issue here.

  • Container starts fine
  • Postman fails:POST http://localhost:5000/persons/
    • Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    • Network
    • agent: "Desktop Agent"
    • Request Headers
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.2
    • Accept: */*
    • Cache-Control: no-cache
    • Postman-Token: d40ec7c2-5b24-4944-8a76-c4cbf2685bf7
    • Host: localhost:5000
    • Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    • Connection: keep-alive
    • Request Body
    • {"name":"Elon Musk","title":"CEO","company":"Tesla","phone":"123-123-1233","dob":"1982-01-19"}
  • as port 5000 is not mapped in docker-compose.yml this might be related ???

%BI classes date back to Miner (DeepSee-1) and just were left in Caché over a decade at least
while its functionality was replaced by %DeepSee classes more than 10 years ago.

Of course, you can map all %BI.*  classes to some DB where you have R/W access and import it from Caché.
that's about 300 Classes.
BUT:  no one can tell you if they compile correctly
AND: you have to take care of the hidden %bi*.obj (~430) and other deployed code which you can't compile, but import and pray they work.

SO: this doesn't look like a  promising approach.

Therefore I'd suggest migrating from %BI to %DeepSee in Caché first and to IRIS next

The questions seem to imply the view from a management position:
 However, how would you recommend to people aged between 20 and 30 to start, maintain, or reboot their joy, excitement, love, or interest for coding and software development?

As I had the responsibility for a team of specialists my experience is such:

  • Is there any other motivation as simple payment? If yes, the person could be raised.
  • Any small success is a motivator. Especially if recognized by management.
  • Curiosity is another motivator. Exploring something no one did before could be driving. My personal trigger always was. "This not possible"  It is known as the "Galilei effect": And she (earth) is moving anyhow!
  • Competition within a team works but is risky if competitors are too different. The weaker one may give up if it sees o chance.
  • The best of all motivators is fun. Often in a team of 2 rather equal qualified people.