· Mar 11, 2021

Is there any reason that property method DisplayToLogical() is not calling before object saving?

I have such situation and do not know how it is possible

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0 419
· Oct 1, 2020
Terminal error


I have installed windows 10 and cache 2018.

I run terminal not from cache cube but through localDemon.exe (for report outputting from my programs to excel).

All worked fine but after some time error occured "Cannot load supporting modules" (in attached file) and localDemon.exe is not launching.

But terminal from cache cube is still launching without problems (but from it reports are not working, localDemon.exe is required)

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0 267
· Jun 14, 2018
AddEventListener for a control

Is there a way to add event listener for a zen control?

I have a custom text control and I want to add 'change' event listener for it.

Is it possible to do not using 'onchange' property?

0 3
0 429
· Oct 18, 2017
Rebuild class index

I have a class. In class there is an index. This index is for quick search on name property.

Class User


Property Name as %String;

Index NameInd On Name;



This class is mapped to some global ^GL(userId) = "Name*other data....****"

And there is also index global ^GLNameIndex(Name, userId) = ""

When I add new User entry through class, f. i.

S user = ##class(User).%New()
S user.Name = "Some name"
​D user.%Save()

calling method %Save() adding new entry to index automatically.

0 6
0 1.5K
· Oct 14, 2017
ZenMethod in onunloadHandler

I want to call ZenMethod when page is closing. Is it possible?

I tried

ClientMethod onunloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]

Method SomeZenMethod() [ ZenMethod ]
// to do some work

0 1
0 376

When I add a parameter to dataCombo for loading it on runtime and the property editable set to 0, dynamically loading content for dropdown through parameter works fine.

But, when I set editable to 1, to implement user search in dataCombo, loading through parameter is not working, it is loaded all rows, but I need loading on some parameter. It don't see the parameter, when editable is 1.

Is it normal behavior of dataCombo? But how about user search in dataCombo on this case? When editable is 0, we can't enter any character in dataCombo.

0 2
0 340

The dataCombo property columnHeaders is a comma-delimited list of column headers displayed in the dropdown list.

Comma is a delimiter.

But, if I want add comma to columh header, for instance "House number, apartment" - this is value for header of one column.

How can I escape comma in this case?

"House number\, apartment" - is not working.

0 26
0 540
· Aug 5, 2017
Problem with terminal font

I don't know what a problem with my cache cube terminal, but cyrillic text is not displayed correctly.

I have some terminal program with cyrillic menus, dialogs and other text and all those items are displayed wrong (unknown symbols like on the image).

How can I solve this problem?

0 1
0 398
· Jul 23, 2017
Check if class exists

There is method:

$System.OBJ.New( ClassName As %String = "" )

If class with name ClassName exists - everything is OK.

But, when class does not exist, there is error - <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>

How can I check before calling $System.OBJ.New() if class witn name ClassName exists?

0 19
0 4.2K
· May 23, 2017
Toolbar with several lines of menu

In toolbar, by default, all items show on one line and when menu items do not fit on visible part of screen, invisible items hide and appear two buttons - last item and previous item.

I want, in that case, items, which do not fit on visible part of screen, go on second line. In other words, I want all items to be visible.

Is it possible to configure toolbar for behavior I want?

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