1. Basically you should keepIntegrity enabled. Otherwise it will delete all the messages regardless of whether processed or not processed.
  2. Select "All types" in Type to purge.
  3. You can enable the " Open output file when task is running? " and provide the file location.
  4. Once the process is completed or Errored you can check the Ens_Util.Log to get some additional information.

Can you try the above steps.


You can send you're POST/GET URL's as part of the method itself. Refer the below sample codes

  Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
  Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
  Set httpRequest.Server = "renderProjectName.onrender.com"
  set httprequest.https=1 ;add this additional set if you're going to make it as a HTTPS call
  set httprequest.SSLConfiguration = "your ssl certificate" ; include the certificate as well for HTTPS call's
  Do httprequest.Post("/")

Generally we can't execute the macros directly in terminal, studio output. The Macro preprocessor aka MPP do converts the marcos into the expression or function at the time of compilation. So, You can open and use the .int file for the specific code. 

 write $$$EnsMajorVersion ; 
 write $system.Version.GetMajor() ; 

Get the relevant value of macros and execute it in terminal or output window.

The syntax of $$$LOGINFO won't allow you make it in multiple lines. Instead you can set it in local variable and pass the variable in LOGINFO for better visibility 

set log= "object: 'This is a try'"
    		_"this is the second line with an example parameter: "_$get(x,1)
    		_"this is the third line with an example parameter: "_$get(y,5)

Hello @Muhammad Waseem 

Maybe you can try extract the patient resource from bundle or use if it's already resource. Load into FHIR model patient class  HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient with the extracted resource. Then you can convert the Birthdate and validate the Age. You can use the same logic in your code DTL in your FHIR process in between FHIR service (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service) to FHIR operation (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Operation)

ClassMethod VaidatePatientResource(patientResourceStreram As %Stream.Object)
	#dim patient As HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient
	try {
		set patient = ##class(HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient).FromJSON(patientResourceStreram)
		Set age = $horolog - $ZdateH(patient.birthDate,3)\360
		if age<18 $$$ThrowStatus($$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Age is less than 18"))
	catch ex {
		w ex.DisplayString()

Hello @Padmaja Konduru 

The certificate and private key is configured for the your SSL/TLS connection.  You can try  executing the below code to get some certificates of the certificate

I have attached my sample "test" SSL/TLS which is included the sample certificate and private key (x509)

Call the SSLDetails method with your SSL name. This method will return an local array with some basic details like expire date , subject and so on.  SSL configuration name was taken from the   System > Security Management > SSL/TLS Configurations 

/// Call this method with your ssl name
ClassMethod SSLDetails(SSLName As %String = "") As %Status
	new $namespace
	set $namespace="%SYS"
	set ssl=##class(Security.SSLConfigs).%OpenId("test")
	set privateKeyFile = ssl.CertificateFile
	set file = ##class(%FileCharacterStream).%New()
	do file.LinkToFile(privateKeyFile)
	set str=file.Read($$$MaxLocalLength)
	do ..certificateDetails(str,.fields)
	zw fields
	return $$$OK

ClassMethod certificateDetails(str As %String, ByRef fields)
	#;getting some basic  details
	for field="SerialNumber","Issuer","ValidityNotAfter","ValidityNotBefore","Subject","SubjectKeyIdentifier" {
		set fields(field) = $SYSTEM.Encryption.X509GetField(str,field)


verify the local array fields("ValidityNotAfter") value for the expired date

IRISMYDEV>do ##class(Sample.NewClass1).SSLDetails("test")
fields("ValidityNotAfter")="2023-09-21 06:13:50"
fields("ValidityNotBefore")="2023-09-20 06:13:50"

Hello @Michael Wood,

The line property is actually a list of string in address object property. So You should use direct Insert action instead of Set for that property when doing mapping in DTL for single values. If it's list/collection the you should foreach the list property and insert the values to the line() property. Refer the screenshots below for both scenarios.

Direct single Insert

XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/dtl" ]
<transform sourceClass='CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record' targetClass='HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Location' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='source.FirstName' property='target.address.line' action='insert' key='1' />


XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/dtl" ]
<transform sourceClass='CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record' targetClass='HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Location' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<foreach property='source.AddressLine()' key='k1' >
<assign value='source.AddressLine.(k1)' property='target.address.line' action='insert' key='k1' />


No. GetColumnType() method returns an integer of the datatype.You can manually get the datatype from the integer.

Class Sample.Person Extends %Persistent

Property FirstName As %String;

Property LastName As %String;

Property StartDate As %Library.TimeStamp ;

Property Age As %Integer;

Property TestCurrency As %Currency;

Property TestBoolean As %Boolean;

Property TestCharStream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;

Query TestQuery() As %SQLQuery [ SqlProc ]
    select firstname,LastName,Age,TestCurrency,TestBoolean,TestCharStream from Sample.Person

ClassMethod GetDataTypeOfField() As %String
    set result = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Sample.Person:TestQuery")
    for I=1:1:result.GetColumnCount() {
        write "Column Name: ",result.GetColumnName(I),"  "
        write "Datatype number: ",result.GetColumnType(I),"  "
        write "DataType: ",..GetDataType(result.GetColumnType(I)),!!
///Get datatype from the integer
ClassMethod GetDataType(type As %Integer=0) [ CodeMode = expression ]
        1:"BINARY", 2:"DATE", 3:"DOUBLE", 4:"HANDLE",
        5:"INTEGER", 6:"LIST", 	7:"LONGVARCHAR",
        8:"TIME", 9:"TIMESTAMP", 10:"VARCHAR", 11:"STATUS",
        15:"CURRENCY", 16:"BOOLEAN", 17:"OID",
        18:"BIGINT", 19:"FDATE", 20:"FTIMESTAMP",

The output when execute the method GetDataTypeOfField()

IRISMYDEV>d ##class(Sample.Person).GetDataTypeOfField()
Column Name: FirstName  Datatype number: 10  DataType: VARCHAR
Column Name: LastName  Datatype number: 10  DataType: VARCHAR
Column Name: Age  Datatype number: 5  DataType: INTEGER
Column Name: TestCurrency  Datatype number: 15  DataType: CURRENCY
Column Name: TestBoolean  Datatype number: 16  DataType: BOOLEAN
Column Name: TestCharStream  Datatype number: 13  DataType: CHARACTERSTREAM

refer the documentation here

Hello David,

Both object script and SQL transaction rollback's are captured in log once you enabled the setting is true  System > Configuration > Compatibility Settings > Edit Compatibility Settings  for rollback log

USER>write $ZV
IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2023.1 (Build 229) Fri Apr 14 2023 17:36:18 EDT
TL1:USER>set ^TEST=1

log entry


This is nice. Anyway there are few suggestions

  1. Make sure the commands and string functions are following same format either SET or Set or set 
  2. Use %DynmaicArray instead of literal constructors  [ ]. Because it's instantiate the methods of the object like %push when accessing it. Literal constructors won't do it.
  3. Comments are essential for better understanding the program flow. Anyway if you don't want to appear your comments in INT code then use the syntax #;  instead of ;  ex: #;Test comment
  4. Use $ListNext to get the list values one by one. It rid out the 2 additional string functions $LISTLENGTH and $LISTGET usage in your case. Easy to understand 
  5. You can use $Increment instead of declaring a   questionNumber variable and do addition operation in the code.
  6. Add some conditional checks to skip the if the values in between | is empty

I have attached the code sample below. 

ClassMethod createResponse(data As %String(MAXLEN="")) As %DynamicArray
	set items = ##class(%DynamicArray).%New()
	#;1.- Questions splitted by "|"
	set ptr=0
	set listQuestions = $ListFromString(data, "|")
    #;2.- Iterate
    while $ListNext(listQuestions,ptr,questionAnswer) {
	   	#;3.- Update variables
	    set question= $Piece(questionAnswer, ":", 1)
        set answer 	= $ZStrip($PIECE(questionAnswer, ":", 2), "<W") //Get rid of initial whitespace
        #;4.- Generate item
    	set item 	= 									
        	"definition": ("question "_($Increment(questionNumber))),
        	"text": (question),
			                "valueString": (answer)
        do items.%Push(item)
    return items

Hope this helps  

AFAIK No. There is no straightforward way to import JSON from FHIR discrete resources to SDA3 objects by %JSONImport(). Basically, there are various stages involved in converting the FHIR to HL7 and vice versa. To achieve this, Intersystems created an intermediary format called SDA. However, there are more processes involved whenever convert the bundle or discrete resource.
for example

  1. In some instances, the FHIR resource data element name (property) is not the same as the SDA property.
  2. Lots of internal DTL's are invoked or invoked at the conversion time, and an SDA object is created based on that output. Typically it's common for SDA to FHIR and vice versa. 
  3. DTL's are crucial to accomplish this conversion. Some of the data elements are not mapped in the standard FHIR to SDA or SDA to FHIR DTL transformation. HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.SDA3.AllergyIntolerance.Allergy in this DTL the "criticality" data element is not mapped with SDA object In this case you should create your custom DTL from the already implemented DTL to convert the values to object. So If you haven't added this type of additional properties in the SDA extension class, it won't work.
  4. Metadata values and lookup tables vary from SDA to FHIR. SDA has 'A' in the lookup tables for some fields, while FHIR has 'Active'. There is a internal validation runs against every data element to verify the generated FHIR resource Every time

I'm not sure why the request class CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record inherits from right. All the request and response are required persistent object. This will be used to display the entire flow in the visual trace section. I have attached some sample below.

You can add a property setter method for property DOB and modify the value from MM/DD/YYYY to +$H value. This will keep the internal date format in database.

Class CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record Extends (Ens.Request, %XML.Adaptor, EnsLib.RecordMap.Base) [ ProcedureBlock ]
Property ID As %Integer;
Property LastName As %String;
Property FirstName As %String;
Property MiddleName As %String;
Property DOB As %Date;
Method DOBSet(pDate) As %Status
    Set i%DOB= $ZDH(pDate)
    Quit $$$OK
Property Gender As %String;
ClassMethod createObj() As CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record
    Set obj = ##class(CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record).%New()
    Set obj.DOB="12/30/2001"
    Set obj.FirstName="Test"
    Set obj.ID=12345
    Set obj.MiddleName = "middle"
    Set obj.Gender="M"
    return obj

Create a object for the request class and send to Transformation. you can use the logic $translate($ZDT(source.DOB_",0",3)," ","T")_"Z" in DTL to convert the internal date format to required output 2023-08-24T00:00:00Z. You can refer the DTL sample below

Class CSVtoHL7.DTL.Record Extends Ens.DataTransformDTL [ DependsOn = (CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record, EnsLib.HL7.Message) ]


Parameter REPORTERRORS = 1;


XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/dtl" ]
<transform sourceClass='CSVtoHL7.Inputfile.Record' targetClass='EnsLib.HL7.Message' targetDocType='2.5:ADT_A01' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='source.ID' property='target.{PID:SetIDPID}' action='set' />
<assign value='source.FirstName' property='target.{PID:PatientName().FamilyName}' action='set' />
<assign value='source.MiddleName' property='target.{PID:PatientName().GivenName}' action='set' />
<assign value='source.Gender' property='target.{PID:AdministrativeSex}' action='set' />
<assign value='$translate($ZDT(source.DOB_",0",3)," ","T")_"Z"' property='target.{PID:DateTimeofBirth.Time}' action='set' />

