Hi community members!

Recently a customer ask me about a problem that detected when they were trying to send a post call to an external HTTP service, this service has changed and now it redirects to another URL, so they have setted to true the FollowRedirect parameter (setted to false for POST calls by default), what is the problem? They are sending a custom header in the post call and after the redirection this value is deleted.

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Does anybody know if there is a wizard to create SOAP client/server web services for IRIS from VS Code? I would like to not use Studio anymore but for SOAP web services looks like there is no alternative in VSCode.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi community members!

I'm trying to deploy a container based on IRIS Community for Health ML image available from this url but when I start the container the memory consumption skyrockets to 99% making impossible to work with the instance (it never goes below the 95% of the memory). When I do the same with the IRIS Community for Health image it never goes over 80% of memory.

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