go to post Luis Angel Pére... · 2 hr ago The code was developed for ensemble in theory it should work.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · 17 hr ago Our workmate @Alberto Fuentes uploaded on open exchange an application to transform HL7v2 XML into er7 format, maybe it can help you: https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/Healthcare-HL7-XML
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · 17 hr ago https://es.community.intersystems.com/post/%C2%BFc%C3%B3mo-tokenizar-un-...
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 21 In my opinion the problem is that your text is already in UTF8 but with wrong characters due to a wrong decode so you can't remove it with $ZCONVERT, you should define the charset of the data from the class that is receiving the JSON to decode the JSON properly.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 21 To declare a specific charset for a REST API (I guess that you are using a class that extends %CSP.REST) you have to define the following parameter: Parameter CHARSET = "utf-8"; In my case I was receiving UTF8 texts, you should configure it with your specific charset.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 21 Where are you receiving that text? A business service? From an API REST?
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 17 About the CSPSystem, I had some troubles to connect when I used the superuser from VSC and the webgateway had the CSPSystem user configured, It solved when I changed the user to superuser. Probably you are right and is not necessary to change the CSPSystem (my current configuration it's using CSPSystem and works fine) it just was pure chance.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 14 You can use $ZF(-100) command to execute operative system commands (here an example), with that command you can look for the process that is locking the superserver.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 14 Well, I highly recommend to you to not use the same instance of Health Connect for TEST, DEV and PRODUCTION, even more, I recommend to you to deploy each environmnent in different servers. It won't be the first time that a code un DEV has a infinite loop creating heavy globals that use all the space in the disk.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 12 Do you mean Intersystems Reports? https://docs.intersystems.com/components/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GISR
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 12 And you can find the files for testing here: https://www.hacienda.gob.es/es-ES/GobiernoAbierto/Datos%20Abiertos/Pagin...
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 12 The project is in process and the github is private, but just send me your github user and I'll invite to you.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 11 Maybe this doc can help you: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20243/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?...
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Mar 11 You can check the process running for each namespace and the CPU time: And using de PID you can identify in your Operative System (Windows or Linux) the process to check the memory used.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Feb 14 Have you tried to merge the pdf using Embedded Python? In IRIS 2023 is already available, you only require to install the pypdf library in your instance to use it. You can find an example of pdf merge using python here.
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Feb 14 Here is the documentation for the Nginx in Windows: https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20243/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cl...
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Jan 24 You can get the latest version from here: https://containers.intersystems.com/contents?family=InterSystems%20IRIS%...
go to post Luis Angel Pére... · Jan 22 Thank you very much! With the Community to the infinity and beyond!