Question Mark O'Reilly · Aug 4, 2021 HL7 Using message analyser I'm following the video When i try an match a simple message with custom segments using HL7 analyser i get No idea what I'm doing wrong All info below, just a standard ADT^A17 produced Message as below #HL7 #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 254
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jul 1, 2021 How to Initiate context class for DTL Hi, I think it's a simple question this at the end of something fairly complex I've a DTL to go to a target class in context I get the error CLASS DOES NOT callrequest=##class(context.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()' I attempted to add code to initate the context with set context.ConnectDocumentRequest =##class(Penn.EDT.Messages.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New() #Business Process (BPL) #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 286
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jun 16, 2021 REST example Trying to get started on REST api on Doing something basic wrong in my setup #REST API #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 569
Question Mark O'Reilly · Apr 1, 2021 Health connect search bar not working Upgraded healthshare to health connect. The search box is not selecting the correct url i.e. selecting message loads http://penn-tietest:57772/csp/sys/EnsPortal.MessageViewer.zen?$NAMESPACE=TIE instead of this which when go through the menu it loads http://penn-tietest:57772/csp/healthshare/tie/EnsPortal.MessageViewer.zen?$NAMESPACE=TIE #Management Portal #Health Connect 0 1 0 189
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jan 31, 2021 Docker- Creating new files, windows- ubuntu Hi: I'm using Docker and I don't get how you create new folders in the container. I'm using Docker on Windows running the iris health community. I want to create 2 folders on the instance and be adding files to it; I must be missing something as i can't see how this gets easily managed? May retry just downloading the main community HS edition not through docker but could how to amend the error #Docker #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 10 0 300
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jan 25, 2021 Simple posting of REST Body to api Hi: I've looked on many of these examples and questions how to post the JSON body but all the posts are a little complexly worded for me to follow. so i have an EnsLib.REST.Operation The example in ENSDEMO Directory Request says #Business Operation #JSON #REST API #Caché 0 2 0 902
Question Mark O'Reilly · Nov 10, 2020 How to rename an attachment on an email Hi: I have noticed a problem in some new code I did on one of our productions. I think it is leading to 2 problems. I have a file, lets call it 1111111111_2300.pdf. We make the file UNIQUE to avoid an issue. This filename in the working directory gets a session ID Added to it before the .pdf. So lets say it was session ID 9 it would be 1111111111_2300#SID9.pdf in a working directory . There are further operations to be done on this document before it is sent. For various errors an email is sent back to service users. #Caché 0 3 0 181
Question Mark O'Reilly · Sep 15, 2020 HTTP request to get around Kerbos/NTLM authentication error Hi: I have the following method in a buisness operation that works on localhost but not on our server . I think it's how the firewall is set up but i was wondering if there is a known way around this. It can't correlate XML as it returns a "The browser did not send any authentication information" error. I tried adding in username and password to http request to no avail. We could do a c# proxy on a server but i'm wondering if there is a known way to fix this error within intersystems. As a developer we don't have too much control over our Intersystems TIE server. #Caché 0 1 0 282
Question Mark O'Reilly · Aug 5, 2020 Failure Timeout and Reply action code SQL.OutboundAdapter Hi: I have an sql outbound adapter. Sometimes we have trouble connecting to the database. The timeout in develpment is set to 15 seconds in live it is 150 seconds as it is an always connected Buisness operation. I thought adding E=S or/and X=S would suspend the message. Why does it not? Is the only way around then adding something to the buisness operation itself/ creating a customised SQL buisness operation rather than EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter? Thanks Mark #Business Operation #SQL #Caché 0 5 0 477
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jun 26, 2020 Ens Director GetItemSettingValue not picking up system default We have code with the line #ObjectScript #Caché 0 5 0 402
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jun 23, 2020 New Column in table showing with 1840-12-31 00:00:00 Hi: We added a column to a table as follows Property SentTime As Ens.DataType.UTC; And the code to populate this #Relational Tables #SQL #Caché 0 6 0 238
Question Mark O'Reilly · Jun 11, 2020 How to set up a BO for XML I'm cautious not to ask too many questions on here, but there really doesn't seem to be a good XML end to end guide that explains these things. I have now a Business operation that's going to call a url like #Business Operation #XML #HealthShare 0 4 0 353
Question Mark O'Reilly · Apr 30, 2020 How to work with Undefined value from Correlated XML Message Hi: Sorry I can't find the correct documentation for this. It's very simple I think. I open up an XML reader class and correlate the XML to a message type. My XML will read something like <StatusLastChecked></StatusLastChecked> This gets correlated into a message with the following property #Business Operation #XML #HealthShare 0 6 0 607
Question Mark O'Reilly · Apr 9, 2020 How to get value from %XML.Text reader I'm having trouble trying to navigate XML files USING the %XML.TextReader. I have read I still don't really understand. I have the following block #XML #Caché #Ensemble 0 2 0 706
Question Mark O'Reilly · Mar 23, 2020 How to manage <Delay> processes. I am developing a BPL with a delay process. The problem I have is when a message is delayed I cannot see a job id so whilst a job is in halt status I cannot see how i can then cancel the message? It obviously doesn't show up in queues as it isn't active either. Am i missing something? #Business Process (BPL) #HealthShare 1 4 1 532
Question Mark O'Reilly · Feb 17, 2020 File.InboundAdapter archives files missing or 0kb Hi: I'm new to Cache and intersystems. We have a live production solution that uses a file inbound adapter to collect pdf documents off a fileshare. This fileshare is accessed by many services and access is controlled to the files by AD. #Interoperability #Ensemble 0 2 0 266