Announcement Rob Tweed · Dec 7, 2019 QEWD-baseline Hot on the heels of the QEWD-JSdb announcement, QEWD-baseline provides a ready-to-run baseline environment for developing REST APIs. The QEWD-baseline repository ( includes a fully-detailed tutorial on how to build RESY APIs using QEWD and the QEWD-JSdb database (running of course on IRIS). Included in the tutorial is: #Docker #JavaScript #Node.js #InterSystems IRIS 2 1 0 283
Announcement Rob Tweed · Dec 3, 2019 QEWD-JSdb Want to see how IRIS can be used in a radically-new way, as a JavaScript-based Multi-model database? Take a look at QEWD-JSdb: Full instructions on how to try it out on the AWS IRIS Community Edition are included in the repository. #JavaScript #Node.js #InterSystems IRIS 2 3 2 331
Article Rob Tweed · Dec 13, 2018 2m read QEWD-Up: A New, Fast-track way to create REST APIs There's a new and exciting enhancement to QEWD that has just been released - it's an additional layer of abstraction known as QEWD-Up. QEWD-Up hides away all the mechanics of QEWD itself, allowing you to focus on just your REST APIs and the code that implements them.Additionally, and importantly, QEWD-Up simplifies the maintenance of your REST APIs, allowing you (and others) to quickly and easily understand their life-cycle and implementation. #Caché #Node.js #REST API #InterSystems IRIS #JavaScript 3 3 4 841
Article Rob Tweed · Aug 30, 2018 5m read Using QEWD.js to create REST APIs for IRIS As a result of Evgeny's recent questions regarding the use of QEWD.js with IRIS in another post, I thought it would be a good idea to create a separate post focusing specifically on how to use QEWD.js to create REST APIs for IRIS.QEWD.js is, of course, a Node.js framework, and all the REST API code can be written entirely in JavaScript. #Node.js #REST API #JavaScript #InterSystems IRIS 4 4 4 832
Article Rob Tweed · Nov 12, 2017 1m read Software-Defined Storage and Containers One for Luca, perhaps?Interesting article here: this be a fit for Cache / IRIS containerisation?Not sure I fully "get" what's being proposed in the article, mind you. #Containerization #Caché 1 3 0 628
Question Rob Tweed · Sep 11, 2017 Live streaming of Global Summit? Will any of this week's Global Summit be live-streamed for the benefit of those of us unable to attend? if so, what's the link? #Global Summit 2017 #Global Summit 1 2 0 346
Article Rob Tweed · Aug 17, 2017 1m read Creating REST Services with QEWD.js and Cache: Tutorial Quite a few enhancements have appeared over recent months in QEWD for easing and simplifying the creation of REST-based services. It's now even more slick and powerful, allowing you to very quickly create very high-performance, highly-scalable REST (and Web) services that make use of Cache.I've therefore updated the training presentation deck (Part 31 on developing REST Services with QEWD). It describes all the new features with worked examples. See: #JavaScript #REST API #Tutorial #SOAP #Caché 2 1 0 526
Article Rob Tweed · Jul 31, 2017 7m read Creating a QEWD Micro-Service If you read my previous post that introduced QEWD Micro-Services, you're hopefully eager to learn how to use them. So in this post I'll explain what you need to know in order to get started.If you look in the QEWD repository, you'll find the folder: #Microservices #JSON #Frontend #JavaScript #Caché 1 0 0 508
Article Rob Tweed · Jul 31, 2017 5m read Introduction to QEWD Micro-Services In my previous posting about the new support in QEWD for JSON Web Token (JWT) support, I mentioned that it was a key step in enabling Micro-Service support in QEWD. In this post I'll give some background to how they work and the thinking behind them.If you haven't heard about Micro-Services and/or want to learn more, there's lots of information available if you do a Google Search. Here's a good starting point: #Microservices #JSON #Node.js #Frontend #JavaScript #Caché 3 3 0 742
Article Rob Tweed · Jul 31, 2017 7m read JSON Web Tokens are now Supported by QEWD.js I've written previous IDC articles about QEWD and how it provides a very high-performance, yet simple-to-use, way of integrating Node.js with Cache #Microservices #JSON #Frontend #JavaScript #Caché 2 0 0 731
Article Rob Tweed · May 22, 2017 1m read WebSockets v REST? Most frameworks support either REST or WebSockets, and don't make it easy to switch between the two, and/or support both styles of application at the same time. WebSockets offer many advantages over REST, eg:- most benchmarks show WebSocket messaging to be significantly faster than over HTTP #REST API #JavaScript #Caché 1 1 0 482
Article Rob Tweed · May 1, 2017 1m read Building a QEWD / Node.js / Cache REST Back-end Something that shot up the popularity stakes last week was this article on a very interesting initiative: RealWorld: decided it would be a good idea to use this as a way of creating an exemplar implementation of a RESTful back-end using QEWD against their published API ( results are here: #Node.js #REST API #JavaScript #Caché 4 14 0 1.3K
Article Rob Tweed · Apr 18, 2017 1m read Having your Node.js Cake and Eating It Too I've mentioned the QEWD project in this group before: it's a Node.js-based platform for web, Native and REST applications which tightly integrates with Cache. It uses a somewhat different philosophy to the use of Node.js than the norm, and I've now published an article that explains this approach and the unique benefits that arise as a result. It turns out that, integrated via QEWD, Cache is an ideal bed-fellow for Node.js. QEWD makes the integration of Cache and Node.js exceptionally fast, simple and intuitive to use, but also extremely powerful. Read the article here: #Frontend #Node.js #REST API #Caché 4 4 0 544
Article Rob Tweed · Dec 2, 2016 1m read Global Storage using Redis Some folks here may find this interesting:!topic/enterprise-web-developer-communi... #Other 0 0 0 544
Article Rob Tweed · Oct 29, 2016 1m read Top 10 NoSQL Databases See What will it take before Cache begins to appear on (or at the very least be considered for) such lists? #Document Data Model (NoSQL) #Key Value #Caché 1 1 0 1.2K
Article Rob Tweed · Sep 9, 2016 1m read EWD 3: Integrating Cache and Node.js. Free Training Course I've released a comprehensive, free online training course on the new EWD 3 suite of products that allow the integration of Cache with the burgeoning Node.js world, and allow you to create and run browser-based and mobile applications with all the very latest development technologies from the JavaScript world. #JavaScript #Node.js #Caché 4 0 0 447
Question Rob Tweed · Sep 8, 2016 Cache for Raspberry Pi? Some may think it's a strange / daft idea, but just today the Raspberry Pi folks have announced that they've now sold more than 10 million of them..and counting. That's a huge potential marketplace, and a great platform for getting people to hear about Cache and try it out. Given its focus on the education sector, another great way of getting heard about. #Caché 5 18 0 2.8K
Article Rob Tweed · Sep 5, 2016 1m read Ranking of Graph Databases and GlobalsDB Interesting to see this latest ranking come to my attention: what's ranked 16th. Shame a decision was made to deprecate it #Graph #Caché 2 5 0 700
Article Rob Tweed · Jul 25, 2016 2m read ewd-feder8: New EWD 3 module for federation / integration of Web Service and REST end-points Today I'm releasing a new EWD 3 module - ewd-feder8. ewd-feder8 is a federation or integration platform, built as an extension of the EWD 3 ewd-xpress module. So what does it do and what's it for? It's all about federating and integrating multiple web or REST service end-points. At its simplest you can use it as a proxy server in front of a remote web service or REST end-point. #REST API #Caché 2 0 0 443
Article Rob Tweed · Jun 22, 2016 14m read Creating Node.js Web and REST services on a Caché system using EWD 3 In this article I'll describe how to set up web services and/or REST services using EWD 3.Since EWD 3 is designed to be modular, you can construct the environment that exactly meets your needs, but for much of the time you'll probably find that the pre-built EWD 3 ewd-xpress super-module does most of what you need because it hooks together all the core EWD 3 and other building-blocks you'll need: #JSON #Node.js #React #REST API #SOAP #Caché 4 1 1 1.4K