As per the documentation of QueueCountAlert:
Number of messages on this item's queue needed to trigger an Alert message to be sent. Note that no further alerts will be sent unless the number of messages on the queue drops below 80% of this number and then rises again to this number.
Note that this alert will be sent even if AlertOnError is False.
Zero means no alerts of this type will be sent.

Now, the question is,
If QueueCountAlert is set to 10, and the queue size become 11 we will be getting email once.

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· Oct 20, 2016
%UnitTest Code Coverage


When we write unit test cases for cache object script code using %UnitTest.TestCase, what is the best way to write code to identify code coverage?

So, let say my unit test case hit all 10 lines of code of a method for a given class. So, unit test coverage should be 100% for that. But, using line-by-line coverage [(%Monitor.System.LineByLine] getting wrong percentage, because it also includes code comment/documentation as part of code. So, practically we can not ever achieve 100% of code coverage by using this API.

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