Question Joao Palma · Aug 21, 2020 IRIS SQL Linked Table Hi everyone Anyone knows how can we add a column to an existing linked table in Cache to reflect the external SQL table? I've tried different queries. It does not fail but does not add the column either... #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 514
Question Joao Palma · Jun 19, 2020 Read CData of Webservice XML response Hi all Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice? At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit. However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these. The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring. #API #ObjectScript #REST API #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 549
Question Joao Palma · Feb 4, 2020 Folder Watcher using Healthshare Hi I've got a new piece of work to do which the goal is to send an email out if files start queuing up in a specific folder. Is there any way of achieving this? Any help would be appreciated. Kind Regards, Joao Palma #ObjectScript #HealthShare 1 2 1 244
Question Joao Palma · Nov 6, 2019 Missing XML node in SOAP request to Webservice Hi There I've created a new WebClient using Studio Addon-s Soap Wizard. I've tried to send a soap request using InvokeMethod. However the Body comes empty <soapenv:Body></soapenv:Body> I needed it to be <soapenv:Body> <ns:Ping/> </soapenv:Body> #SOAP #HealthShare 0 4 0 689
Question Joao Palma · Nov 4, 2019 Healthconnect slowness Hi there I've noticed extreme slowness using the portal in my Healthconnect dev enviroment lately. Any page in the Portal takes a lot of time Loading. Any ideas of what it could be? Kind Regards, Joao #Management Portal #Health Connect #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 333
Question Joao Palma · Mar 4, 2019 Missing Mirrored Database Hi guysI've added a new mirrored failover member to an existing one.They are both Arbiter controlled.When I do Add database to mirror on the primary I'm always getting an error. Missing Mirrored database.I followed everything in the documentation and always get the same error.I've copied the CACHE.dat file after umounting the database on both servers. then mounted them.Could you help me out?Kind Regards #Databases #Mirroring #HealthShare 0 1 0 689
Question Joao Palma · Feb 18, 2019 %String to XML HiI've got a string variable which I need to convert into a XML one.My main goal here is to use the XML bit I've extracted from a HTML file in a message I need to pass over to an operation.I'm doing the following which always errorsclassMethod WriteNodes(myfile As %String){ Set status=##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseString(myfile,.reader)....Any easy way of making this happen?Kind regards #ObjectScript #XML #Caché 0 18 1 2.1K
Question Joao Palma · Sep 6, 2018 BPL XPATH use HiI'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.I set the source to Request and all the other properties.The error I always get back is Method does not exist...Could anyone help me out?Kind Regards----- #Business Process (BPL) #Ensemble 0 3 0 448
Question Joao Palma · Aug 13, 2018 Query XML messages by Property Path Hi I need to query my messages and filter by a XML node. #SQL #XML #Caché 1 5 0 658
Question Joao Palma · May 4, 2018 How to use MS Exchange wsdl HiWe are trying to create a new operation wich gets a XML message and send it's contents in an email.We've used the SOAP Wizard to generate the Proxy Classes but now we are a bit lost...What we are trying to achieve is to Create appointments in a Outlook Calendar and send emails. #REST API #Ensemble 0 3 0 371
Question Joao Palma · Jul 5, 2017 DTL with subTransformation to get Message Details HiI've got a Service that get ACK Messages originated by another system. I want to get the details of a Message when the ACK is CE (Failed Message).I don't know whether this is the best approach but, at the moment, I have a DTL and I would like to search the Cache Database for a Message with the Control ID on the ACK in the MSA segment.Any help with this would be great.Tks. #DTL #HL7 #Caché 0 11 0 723
Question Joao Palma · Jun 26, 2017 error trying to query FHIR repository HiI get always the following error when I query our FHIR repository with a specific TAG/csp/healthshare/fhirserver/fhir/Encounter?_tag=ERROR #5002: Cache error: <INVALID OREF>zSearch+86 ^HS.FHIR.Repository.Operations.1I've deleted rows from cache database. On the table HS_FHIR_Repository_Resource.Encounter as we had duplicate records...Any help would be greatKind Regards,Joao Palma #HealthShare #FHIR 0 2 0 479
Question Joao Palma · Dec 9, 2016 Import Code Table Good Morning I have to create a new code table with data from a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet has 170 rows of data. Is there any easy way of importing the data from Excel into my new Code Table? Thank You #Databases #Data Import and Export #Ensemble 0 8 0 1.1K