
In the first article, a simple tutorial helped you to set up your FHIRaaS deployment.

Now, let's move forward and introduce a JS library to access the FHIR resource.

In the end, two examples of usage of this library will be presented, exploring the Appointment FHIR resource type.

SMART on FHIR JavaScript Library

FHIR is a REST API, so you can use any HTTP client in order to use it. But, it’s always a good idea to have help.

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· Jun 5, 2021 8m read
FHIRaaS overview


This article aims to provide an overview of InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) driven by the implementation of application iris-on-fhir, available in OEX developed for the FHIRaaS contest.

A basic tutorial will guide you in configuring a function FHIRaaS deployment, including an API key and an OAuth 2.0 server.

A library to use FHIR resources through FHIRaaS also is briefly discussed.

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· Feb 2, 2021 12m read
A custom SQL index with Python features

Image search like Google's is a nice feature that wonder me - as almost anything related to image processing.

A few months ago, InterSystems released a preview for Python Embedded. As Python has a lot of libs for deal with image processing, I decided to start my own attemptive to play with a sort of image search - a much more modest version in deed :-)

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Hi guys!

I'd like to present you my new project: iris-analytics-notebook, a notebook approach to use IRIS analytics capabilities.

Project description

In past few years, notebooks tools like Jupyter are gaining popularity due its natural way to express ideias.

An almost unipresent tool for data scientists, notebook can also help to improve the impact of analytics tools for all sort of users.

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The fhir-react project is a React UI framework based on Google Material Design, which covers almost all FHIR resources for versions DSTU2, STU3 and R4.

It design it's really friendly - there's just one component! As FHIR resource types are standards, the framework resolves internally what rendering class must be used.

To display your FHIR resource just write this component:

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Hi guys.

Recently, I get interest in FHIR in order to run for the IRIS for Health FHIR
. As a beginner on this topic, I've heard somewhat about it, but I didn't know how complex and powerful was FHIR. As pointed out by @Henrique.GonçalvesDias here, you can model several aspects of the patient history and other related entities.

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A few months ago, I read this interesting article from MIT Technology Review, explaing how COVID-19 pandemic are issuing challenges to IT teams worldwide regarding their machine learning (ML) systems.

Such article inspire me to think about how to deal with performance issues after a ML model was deployed.

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Hi everyone.

I have a cube with two dimensions, DimA and DimB, with the following structure:





LevelC is modeled in such way because its bound property (C) is group by properties A and B in transactional database, but A and B haven't relation.

I can use DeepSee REST API service /Info/FilterMembers/:datasource/:filterSpec specifying each dimension one filterSpec parameter and handle the results.

But, I would like to have the results for both dimension in only on service call.

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I would like to know if DeepSee has some feature regarding synchronization which could help me with this:

I have two tables, TableA and TableB in a 1:n relationship, and one cube for each table, CubeA and CubeB.
CubeA have a list dimension based on records from TableB.
Both tables has DSTIME parameter set to "AUTO".

Some application proccess updates data only on TableB, leading an entry on ^OBJ.DSTIME global for synchronization of CubeB.
However, as the TableA wasn't updated, there isn't such entry for CubeA.

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Hi everyone! My company has a Zen ERP application with CSP delegated authentication. Now, we're developing a separated BI application, using Angular, which consumes DeepSee REST API services. Both applications access the same Caché database.

How to implement single sign-on strategy in order to allow an already authenticated ERP user to access DeepSee REST services? Has anyone already implemented something like that?

Thanks in advanced.

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