We just upgrade from cache 2016.2 to IRIS 2020.1.1.

After this upgrade we cannot access to the portal web management, and dont give errors about that just this:

09/28/21-15:59:16:654 (20192) 1 [Utility.Event] Private web server has not started after 5 seconds.

Is this normal?

I followed the guide but dont talk nothing about that.

This is a normal problem when upgrading?


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· Sep 1, 2021
Database increase a lot


The database is increasing a lot (almost a 1TB) and getting bigger with no sense after migration, the use of the plataform did not increase after the migration so is strange for us this increase.

how can I check everything is ok in the database? for example any table getting bigger.

Before the migration the logs were like:

07/22/21-17:18:26:304 (19701) 0 Starting Expansion for database /opt/Intersystems/HS/HS_201521705/mgr/cachetemp/. 276 MB requested.

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We need to upgrade our cache instance from 2016.2 to the latest version.

I find the documentation about the "Upgrade Path" but I cant find where I can get the files to upgrade in the documentation.

Also I cant find how to make this upgrade, they talk about strategies but dont talk how to perform the task to upgrade.

Is there any documentation of how to make and upgrade and where I can get the files?

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0 235


I have a DR member and in this cache server the database "cachetemp" start to getting bigger without any reason (50GB that was all the free disk space we have)

In the members of the mirrors the cachetemp its ok and the size is 31MB.

I restarted the server because I read that the cachetemp database purge when restarting, but didnt happend.

Any recommendation to clean this database? can I just deleate the CACHE.DAT from this database?


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0 920


I'm trying to add a DR async member to a mirror but when I add this member I get this messages in the mirror monitor (on the DR member):

The message im talking about is the "missing Mirrored Databases report".

The only step I did was the " System Administration -> Configuration -> Mirror Settings -> Join as Async" an fill the blanks. Maybe Im skipping a step?

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0 745
· Mar 30, 2020
Error Switching Journal


I'm having a problem when I'm attempting to freeze the instance.

I have a pre-script and post-script to freeze and unfreeze the instance, but when the script execute:

 csession INSTANCE_NAME -U '%SYS' "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze(\"$SNAPLOG\",,,,,,1800)"

It's give me this error and fails the freeze:

Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Failed, Unable to switch local journal file, Error: -99,ERROR #1142: Error switching journal file: 0

At cconsole.log file show this:

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