Hi Dmitriy,

UPDATE: Also posted as an issue to GitHub

Here's the layout in VS Code's Explorer:

The code-workspace file from the Workspace top-level directory:

Note that I've tried both manually creating the file and adding directories to the workspace using the VS Code menus. The only difference I can see in the result is that the json name value appears in the explorer tree rather than the actual directory name.

Hers's a .vscode\settings.json file from one of the directories referenced in the code-workspace file shown above:

The oddest symptom is that when I change just one of the settings.json files, all directories change to those value in the OBJECTSCRIPT:EXPLORER view (only the file I've actually edited and saved has the changes in it, though):

Thanks for looking into this.


Just in case it matters:

Version: 1.46.1 (user setup)
Commit: cd9ea6488829f560dc949a8b2fb789f3cdc05f5d
Date: 2020-06-17T21:13:20.174Z
Electron: 7.3.1
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362

Hi Dmitriy,

I've created the .code-workspace file up as you've described, with the "main" name/path and the "part" names/paths pointing to their respective subdirectories. Each subdirectory has it's own .vscode/settings.json file. However, when I go into Explorer, all of the workspace directories show connections to the same server, not the distinct ones defined for each workspace subdirectory.

There are no objectscript.* values defined in the main .code-workspace file or the .vscode/settings.json file in the root of the main workspace directory.

I'm obviously missing something, but I've tried a variety of options and I'm stuck.


The schema doesn't seem to match the structure of the message you've supplied; the OBRuniongrp group should be a repeating group and indicate such with parentheses (i.e. OBRuiniongrp()). Assuming that's fixed in the schema, you should be able to get at the fields in question in repeating OBR segments with something like:

Set tStudy = 0
// Get count of OBR segments
Set tOBRCnt = request.GetValueAt("ORCgrp(1).OBRuniongrp(*)")
// Loop through OBRs and evaluate field contents
For tIter = 1:1:tOBRCnt
   If request.GetValueAt("ORCgrp(1).OBRuniongrp("_tIter_").OBRunion.OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.Identifier") = "match_value"
      Set tStudy = 1
If tStudy
   ...insert action to take here...

The above may need to be modified to use context variables if it's being used in a BPL.

Rather than:

s target.{ORCgrp(k1).OBRgrp(k2).OBXgrp(k3).NTE(iNteCnt)} sTmp


d target.SetValueAt(iNteCnt, "ORCgrp("_k1_").OBRgrp("_k2_").OBXgrp("_k3_").NTE("_iNteCnt_"):1")
d target.SetValueAt(sTmp, "ORCgrp("_k1_").OBRgrp("_k2_").OBXgrp("_k3_").NTE("_iNteCnt_"):3")

Assuming you want the value in the 3rd field of the NTE. You should also change the value stored in sNTE to:


If there's only one NTE segment in each OBXgrp of the the inbound message.

Building an interface in Ensemble would require essentially emulating the printing protocol used by Meditech (lpr/lpd?). While that might be fun, I don't know that it's the best use of your time smiley

Depending on your OS platform, it might be possible to route Meditech's printer output to files. This would be done by configuring a custom printer definition on either the Ensemble host or a host that Ensemble has file (ftp/sftp/cifs/etc.) access to. For Unix/Linux, this isn't terribly hard to do with lpd, and I imagine it can be done with CUPS as well.

I know Windows can function as an lpd server, but I'm not sure how you would get its output routed to a file.

Once the printed output is in file form, you could then create a file service in Ensemble to pick up and process it.

I set up a test scenario based on your criteria. I created a service, HL7 router process and 3 operations:

Service: HL7 MLLP, target HL7 Router, AckMode=Application

Process: HL7 Router, ForceSyncSend: True, ReplyCodeActions: E=F

Target Operation 1: HL7 File Out

Target Operation 2: Custom Operation that returns an HL7 NAK, sets IsError to 1, logs an error code of 5001 with text "Forced NAK", ReplyCodeActions: E=F

Target Operation 3: HL7 File Out


  1. Message arrives in router process
  2. Routes to Operation 1, completes successfully
  3. Routes to Operation 2, receives error
  4. Router responds to Service with Error; shuts down ... no message delivered to Operation 3
  5. Service returns NAK to sending application
  6. Message remains queued for Router

Isn't this what you would want to happen?

If the order of the A02s is not important, you can simply  create a routing rule with two Send actions for the same target; the first Send is configured with a DTL that creates an A02 for the first transfer, and the second a DTL for the second transfer.

Many receiving systems will have an issue with this, though, as both patients temporarily end up in the same bed. While it might be fun for the patient, the transfers may be rejected. In some cases you may need to perform 3 transfers: Transfer patient 1 to a dummy bed, transfer patient 2 to patient 1's prior location, transfer patient 1 to patient 2's prior location. In this scenario, it would probably be prudent to use a BPL to enforce synchronous behavior, guaranteeing that the transfers happen in a specific order.