Question Marcel den Ouden · Feb 18 Apache server .../temp/ does not exist, limiting Gateway functionality I am using an Apache webserver on RH8, which is working fine. However, I get the following message: Directory /opt/webgateway/conf/temp/ does not exist or has incorrect permissions. This will limit the Web Gateway's functionality. The folder is indeed missing, but in what way is it limiting functionality? #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 39
Question Marcel den Ouden · Sep 4, 2024 Forcefully remove database from mirror An IRIS.DAT file was removed, as it was not needed anymore. But the database was mirrored, so it still shows up in the mirror monitor and database list. How can this be fixed? There is no backup of the .DAT file so it cannot be restored. w ##class(SYS.Mirror).RemoveMirroredDatabase("/mydir/") throws a protect error. #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 118
Question Marcel den Ouden · May 8, 2024 IIS webserver much slower than PWS We are experimenting with IIS, as the PWS will be gone in newer versions. The code which is executed, takes 15ms to run. If we execute it through PWS (REST), there is some overhead and the total execution time is 40ms, which is acceptable. However, if we go through IIS, it takes 150ms or sometimes even more. Both PWS and IIS are running on the same server as IRIS in this case. No optimisations have been done on IIS. Any suggestions on where to look/what to optimize on IIS? #Performance #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 4 2 195
Question Marcel den Ouden · Apr 4, 2024 VSCode connect to non-existing namespace - unable to select other namespace My VSCode folder was set up to connect to a namespace, but the namespace was deleted. I tried changing the namespace from the menu but it fails (could not retrieve list of namespaces), but I do get the following error message: #Namespace #VSCode 0 9 0 239
Question Marcel den Ouden · Sep 5, 2023 VSCode interop When we add a new class in VSCode, the name automatically is set to <Folder>.<Filename>. Because we are doing interoperability, we remove the default and type "interop" to get assistance on creating the class. This works fine on some machines, however on others it generates: #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 0 3 0 293
Question Marcel den Ouden · Mar 30, 2023 OLEDB - ODBC bridge experiences Hi, Does anyone have experience with connecting to IRIS with OLEDB through an OLEDB-ODBC bridge? In this case the client can only speak OLEDB at this moment. Regards, Marcel #JDBC #ODBC #Other 0 0 0 249
Question Marcel den Ouden · Mar 28, 2023 objectscriptQuality for VSCode on Mac M1/M2 Hi, I recently moved to a Mac M2. I was already using VSCode on my intel-based Mac, and used the plug "objectscriptQuality for VSCode". It installs nicely, but it does not seem to do anything, not even an error. I installed the same java version (but ARM based) as on my old machine so that prerequisite is met. Also set the path to java in VSCode. Any clues/has anyone got this working on a Mac based on Apple silicon M1/M2 chips? Thanks. #Development Environment #VSCode 0 5 0 298
Question Marcel den Ouden · Jul 5, 2022 Convert UTC to Specific time zone, Objectscript only Hi, I am in a situation where my container is on UTC time (as is the host). But I need to send a datetime to a machine in a specific time zone. Various languages have constructs for doing that, sometimes you need a library C#: var today = TimeZoneInfo. ConvertTimeFromUtc(timeUtc, easternZone); python has the pytz library. #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 692
Question Marcel den Ouden · Feb 7, 2017 Edifact D93A invoice and orders SEF file A customer wants to process D93A edifact files, orders and invoice. Does anyone have .SEF files available or know how to get them, so we can easily process them with Ensemble? Otherwise we would either have to write a parser for the two message types, or create a SEF file. Any advice is welcome on this, Marcel #Ensemble 0 2 0 512
Article Marcel den Ouden · Mar 29, 2016 2m read My license key does not work - common causes As some customers recently received new license keys, I received some questions why their new license does not seem to work, other than the expiration date being reached. So far I was able to solve all of them with this short list of things to look at.1. Is the date on your laptop set properly? #Caché #Management Portal 2 5 0 1.8K