go to post Jonathan Levinson · Apr 23, 2019 The ZEN Reports documentation has a helpful trouble shooting section.https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...I have found it helpful to save to <CacheInstall>/mgr/Temp all the intermediate files, the error messages from invoking FOP, the .xsl files, the .fo files, if any, and the PDF files.The easiest way to do this is to set in the namespace from which the reports are being run, the following global: Set ^CacheTemp.ZEN("DebugZen","NoDelete")=1There are three common sources of ZEN Report errors:1) The ObjectScript code for invoking the report has errors. Very often these errors can be found by examining %objlasterror, and if not, standard Object Script debugging techniques will often show the problem.2) The generated xml or xsl or fo are invalid. If you have a decent parsing editor such as XMLSpy Professional or Oxygen Editor, you can open each of the generated files in turn, with the appropriate editor. If these editors find a problem such as an invalid tag or attribute, one can use FindInFiles on the reports searching for the names or attributes that are part of the error the editor detected to find the report in error, and the area in the report that is erroneous. Since intermediate fo files are not always generated, and since fo files can be invalid in terms of the XSL-FO 1.1 standard, one sometimes needs to generate the fo files using the instructions in the ZEN Reports User Guide.3) If all the files are valid, then it is still possible that FOP has emitted a Java exception stack for some reason. These stacks can be seen by lookin at the .txt files generated in <CacheInstall>/mgr/Temp.I hope this helps.Jonathan Levinson
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Jun 21, 2017 Our current Python binding only supports one dimensional lists.I don't know of a work-around.Please contact the WRC and discuss an enhancement request. Product Management will decide whether the enhancement request is approved, and if approved when scheduled.Thanks,Jonathan LevinsonSenior Software DeveloperInterSystems.
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Jan 16, 2017 I don't understand the question. Can you elaborate?What is the request class?In what way do you want to change the values in the SQL statement?What do you mean by parsing the values in the excel report to report to each sheet respectively?
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Dec 30, 2016 What you want to do in ZEN Reports cannot be done in ZEN Reports.You cannot create an Excel spreadsheet whose headers are bolded.You cannot create a default width for a cell.
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Aug 16, 2016 You just have to add the right library to fop\lib. I believe that is the only configuration required.The JAI Image I/O Tools is not redistributable which is why it was not put in fop\lib.You'll have to dig for the right JAI library to add to your lib area. The following link might work, but I haven't tried it.http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/install-jai-imageio-1-0-01-139659...
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Apr 16, 2016 Eclipse did not start as a Java IDE. Eclipse had plug-in support from the beginning. Java may have been one of the first languages supported, but Eclipse supports a variety of languages, including those, for instance, for Web development.To install Java support, you need to do the following:Help/install new software Click on available software sitesPut in the "Work with:" box http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.5.Atelier uses the Mars platform.From the check list pick what you want, but be sure for Java Development to click the check box - Java Development tools.You'll also want to add http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.5. There is an add button on your right.Good luck!Jonathan Levinson
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Apr 16, 2016 Eclipse did not start as a Java IDE. Eclipse had plug-in support from the beginning. Java may have been one of the first languages supported, but Eclipse supports a variety of languages, including those, for instance, for Web development.To install Java support, you need to do the following:Help/install new software Click on available software sitesPut in the "Work with:" box http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.5.Atelier uses the Mars platform.From the check list pick what you want, but be sure for Java Development to click the check box - Java Development tools.You'll also want to add http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.5. There is an add button on your right.Good luck!Jonathan Levinson
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Apr 16, 2016 This is a bug in my ANTLR grammar for ISC SQL.I will fix on Tuesday and get back to you.Would you mind attaching the code from above image, so I don't have to retype.Thanks,Jonathan Levinson
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Apr 15, 2016 Eclipse plugins install on Atelier just like any other plugin.Atelier runs in Eclipse and does not disable Eclipse features in any way.Here are some useful links.https://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_install_new_plug-ins%3Fhttps://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/angularjs-eclipseI haven't tried Angular with Eclipse, but in principle any feature that supports Angular should install just like any other Eclipse feature.
go to post Jonathan Levinson · Feb 8, 2016 Try File/New/Other. I've tried this in Eclipse and Atelier and they allow one to create new files that belong to other languages, as long as the support for the language is in Eclipse (or Atelier) I agree with you that there should be a way of dividing up a single project into folders. The most natural way of doing this would be to map each package to a folder.