Question Jonathan Levinson · Jul 23, 2020 Reading HealthShare and Trak Doc Using the community edition of IRIS, how do I read the HealthShare and Trak doc? #HealthShare 0 1 0 169
Question Jonathan Levinson · Jul 23, 2020 Confusing statements in Ensemble Documentation about Studio and Atelier The Ensemble doc mentions Studio and Atelier to create customer business process logic, but does not mention VS code. The official InterSystems message is that Atelier is deprecated and putting it front and center in the interoperability doc seems like a mistake. Maybe Studio means old Studio and VS Studio, but if so some clarification would help. 0 2 0 311
Article Jonathan Levinson · Dec 19, 2016 1m read Installing Python Binding on Windows To install the Python binding on Windows one must follow the instructions in the following: The reason is that ActiveState Python version 2.7.X is built with Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft provides Visual Studio 2008, which one must install, so that Python C extensions can be built. #Languages #Python #Caché 2 0 0 1.2K
Article Jonathan Levinson · Nov 1, 2016 1m read Installing InterSystems Python binding on MAC with El Capitan (10.11) or later Don’t use Python built into Mac. Because of System Integrity Protection (SIP) you will not be able to access the libraries that the InterSystems Python binding requires. The Python build into the MAC has baked in what libraries it can use.Install another Python. Don’t put this other ahead of Mac Python on path since this could break things. Apple regards its Python as part of the its OS, and may use that Python in its system operations.This Python will not be installed into the protected area. #Object Data Model #Caché 4 0 0 377