Announcement Patrick Jamieson · Mar 15, 2021 FHIR Analytics Hi developers, We have received quite a lot of interest in using SQL on FHIR data. As you know, FHIR data is encoded in the form of a complex directed graph, and thus you can not easily query it with traditional SQL queries or business intelligence tools. Some customers have noticed that the "FHIR search tables" in IRIS for Health have flattened part of the FHIR graph, and have tried to use them for analytics. This is an undocumented and unsupported part of IRIS for Health, and can change without notice. #Analytics #FHIR #SQL #InterSystems IRIS for Health 10 1 0 400
Article Patrick Jamieson · Apr 22, 2019 8m read Launching IRIS Using Docker Launching IRIS Using Docker #Beginner #Best Practices #InterSystems IRIS 7 3 4 2.3K