It sounds like you're seeing the same value in the "License Id" column as in the "ID" column. So I guess your Cache was installed with Minimal security and you're not requiring Portal users to supply credentials, right?

It's my experience that when CSP users (e.g. Portal users) have to authenticate, the "License Id" field of their CSP Session record includes the IP address they're connecting from, as well as the username they logged in with. This can be useful in working out who is using all the sessions.

Nicole, after starting once with the -clearPersistedState command-line switch I am now able to use my original workspace.

Intriguingly, after doing this both my original workspace and the fresh one I had created after upgrading to 1.2 now complain about connecting to a server whose /api/atelier web app only accepts Unauthenticated access. Before "-clearPersistedState" my freshly-created workspace was willing to connect to such a server (incidentally, that server was a fresh install of IRIS 2018.1.1, which still offers Minimal Security as an install option).

This seems to have been addressed in Atelier 1.2. Using build 118 from the beta repo I get the following when testing a connection to a server installed with Minimal security (which somewhat surprisingly is still an option when installing IRIS 2018.1.1)

To resolve this I must enable another authentication method (e.g. Password) on the /api/atelier web app:

Probably a good idea to deselect Unauthenticated. Even though Atelier doesn't seem to allow anonymous connection to /api/atelier REST service I guess it'd be possible to do this directly.

Where are you running the GBLOCKCOPY? If on your 2014 environment I think you'll be having the same problem as when you just tried to mount the database there. GBLOCKCOPY needs to mount it before it can copy block from it to your new database.

Most likely, your original database has 2KB blocks. Your problem then is, 2014 can't mount any databases with 2KB blocks. The last version supporting 2KB block databases was 2011.1. See here.