Hi @Otto Medin 
very good point.

In order to get links visible on the production configuration, you can add this method :

/// Return an array of connections for drawing lines on the config diagram
ClassMethod OnGetConnections(Output pArray As %String, pItem As Ens.Config.Item)
	Do ##super(.pArray,pItem)
	If pItem.GetModifiedSetting("TargetConfigNames",.tValue) {
		For i=1:1:$L(tValue,",") { Set tOne=$ZStrip($P(tValue,",",i),"<>W")  Continue:""=tOne  Set pArray(tOne)="" }

With the following results :

python account.py 
Deposit succeeded: Balance after deposit: 100
Deposit of negative amount failed as expected: Deposit amount must be non-negative
Withdrawal succeeded: Balance after withdrawal: 50
Withdrawal of more than available balance failed as expected: Insufficient funds
Balance invariant holds true
Balance invariant violated as expected: Balance invariant violated: Balance is negative
Account operations completed successfully

In Python :

class Account:
    def __init__(self):
        self.balance = 0

    def deposit(self, amount):
        if amount < 0:
            raise ValueError("Deposit amount must be non-negative")
        old_balance = self.balance
        self.balance += amount
        # Postconditions
        if self.balance != old_balance + amount:
            raise ValueError("Postcondition failed: Balance calculation error")

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if amount < 0:
            raise ValueError("Withdrawal amount must be non-negative")
        if self.balance < amount:
            raise ValueError("Insufficient funds")

        old_balance = self.balance
        self.balance -= amount
        # Postconditions
        if self.balance != old_balance - amount:
            raise ValueError("Postcondition failed: Balance calculation error")

    def check_balance_invariant(self):
        if self.balance < 0:
            raise ValueError("Balance invariant violated: Balance is negative")

    def test_account(cls):
        account = cls()
            # Test depositing a positive amount
            print("Deposit succeeded: Balance after deposit:", account.balance)
            # Test depositing a negative amount (should fail)
        except ValueError as e:
            print("Deposit of negative amount failed as expected:", e)
            raise ValueError("Deposit of negative amount unexpectedly succeeded")
            # Test withdrawing a valid amount
            print("Withdrawal succeeded: Balance after withdrawal:", account.balance)
            # Test withdrawing more than the available balance (should fail)
        except ValueError as e:
            print("Withdrawal of more than available balance failed as expected:", e)
            raise ValueError("Withdrawal of more than available balance unexpectedly succeeded")
            # Check balance invariant (should succeed)
            print("Balance invariant holds true")
        except ValueError as e:
            print("Balance invariant violated:", e)
        # Intentionally set balance to negative value to trigger balance invariant failure
        account.balance = -10
            # Check balance invariant (should fail)
        except ValueError as e:
            print("Balance invariant violated as expected:", e)
            raise ValueError("Balance invariant unexpectedly held true")
        print("Account operations completed successfully")

# Run the test

With the following results :

write ##class(MyApp.Account).TestAccount()
Deposit succeeded: Balance after deposit: 100
Deposit of negative amount failed as expected: ERROR #5001: Deposit amount must be non-negative
Withdrawal succeeded: Balance after withdrawal: 50
Withdrawal of more than available balance failed as expected: ERROR #5001: Insufficient funds
Balance invariant holds true
Balance invariant violated as expected: ERROR #5001: Balance invariant violated: Balance is negative
Account operations completed successfully

Very good point @Herman Slagman 
To illustrate your point, in ObjectScript :

Include %occErrors

Class MyApp.Account Extends %Persistent

Property Balance As %Numeric;

/// Deposit money into the account
Method Deposit(amount As %Numeric) As %Status
    // Preconditions
    If amount < 0 {
        Return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Deposit amount must be non-negative")

    // Store the old balance
    Set oldBalance = ..Balance

    // Update balance
    Set ..Balance = oldBalance + amount

    // Postconditions
    If (..Balance '= $$$NULLOREF) && (..Balance '= (oldBalance + amount)) {
        Return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Postcondition failed: Balance calculation error")

    Quit $$$OK

/// Withdraw money from the account
Method Withdraw(amount As %Numeric) As %Status
    // Preconditions
    If amount < 0 {
        Return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Withdrawal amount must be non-negative")
    If (..Balance = $$$NULLOREF) || (..Balance < amount) {
        Return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Insufficient funds")

    // Store the old balance
    Set oldBalance = ..Balance

    // Update balance
    Set ..Balance = oldBalance - amount

    // Postconditions
    If (..Balance '= $$$NULLOREF) && (..Balance '= (oldBalance - amount)) {
        Return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Postcondition failed: Balance calculation error")

    Quit $$$OK

/// Invariant: Balance should always be non-negative
Method CheckBalanceInvariant() As %Status
        Set tSC = $$$OK
        If ..Balance < 0 {
            Set tSC = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Balance invariant violated: Balance is negative")
        Quit tSC

/// Class method to test the Account class
ClassMethod TestAccount() As %Status
    // Create a new instance of Account
    Set account = ##class(MyApp.Account).%New()
    // Initialize the balance
    Set account.Balance = 0
    // Test depositing a positive amount
    Set tSC = account.Deposit(100)
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Deposit failed: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
        Quit tSC
    Write "Deposit succeeded: Balance after deposit: ", account.Balance, !
    // Test depositing a negative amount (should fail)
    Set tSC = account.Deposit(-50)
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Deposit of negative amount failed as expected: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
    } Else {
        Write "Deposit of negative amount unexpectedly succeeded", !
        Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Deposit of negative amount unexpectedly succeeded")
    // Test withdrawing a valid amount
    Set tSC = account.Withdraw(50)
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Withdrawal failed: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
        Quit tSC
    Write "Withdrawal succeeded: Balance after withdrawal: ", account.Balance, !
    // Test withdrawing more than the available balance (should fail)
    Set tSC = account.Withdraw(200)
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Withdrawal of more than available balance failed as expected: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
    } Else {
        Write "Withdrawal of more than available balance unexpectedly succeeded", !
        Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Withdrawal of more than available balance unexpectedly succeeded")
    // Check balance invariant (should succeed)
    Set tSC = account.CheckBalanceInvariant()
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Balance invariant violated: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
        Quit tSC
    Write "Balance invariant holds true", !
    // Intentionally set balance to negative value to trigger balance invariant failure
    Set account.Balance = -10
    // Check balance invariant (should fail)
    Set tSC = account.CheckBalanceInvariant()
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) {
        Write "Balance invariant violated as expected: ", $system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC), !
    } Else {
        Write "Balance invariant unexpectedly held true", !
        Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Balance invariant unexpectedly held true")
    Write "Account operations completed successfully", !
    Quit $$$OK

Storage Default
<Data name="AccountDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">


Many thanks @Alex Woodhead for your article.

For those who want to start with Alex's example, you can use the code below or online (process + production)

Class python.process.demo Extends Ens.BusinessProcessBPL

/// BPL Definition
XData BPL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/bpl" ]
<process language='python' request='Ens.StringRequest' response='Ens.StringResponse' height='2000' width='2000' >
import requests
<sequence xend='200' yend='1050' >
<switch name='What Drink' xpos='200' ypos='250' xend='200' yend='500' >
<annotation><![CDATA[looking for Drink keyword in request]]></annotation>
<case condition='request.StringValue.lower().find("coffee")&gt;0' name='is coffee' languageOverride='python' >
<assign name="Coffe" property="response.StringValue" value="&quot;Coffee&quot;" action="set" languageOverride="objectscript" xpos='200' ypos='400' />
<case condition='request.StringValue.lower().find("tea")&gt;0' name='is tea' languageOverride='python' >
<assign name="Tea" property="response.StringValue" value="&quot;Tea&quot;" action="set" languageOverride="objectscript" xpos='470' ypos='400' />
<assign name="Chocolate" property="response.StringValue" value="&quot;Chocolate&quot;" action="set" languageOverride="objectscript" xpos='740' ypos='400' />
<if name='Is White' condition='request.StringValue.lower().find("black")==-1' languageOverride="python" xpos='200' ypos='600' xend='200' yend='850' >
<annotation><![CDATA[looking for absence of keyword "black" in request]]></annotation>
<assign name="Add Milk" property="response.StringValue" value="response.StringValue + &quot; MILK&quot;" action="set" languageOverride="python" xpos='335' ypos='750' />
<assign name="Add Hot Water" property="response.StringValue" value="response.StringValue + &quot; HOT WATER&quot;" action="set" languageOverride="python" xpos='200' ypos='950' />

Storage Default


I got an interesting answer from chat.fhir.org

Lloyd McKenzie says : 

R5 has a bunch of fixes and enhancements and is 'closer' to what the normative/locked down versions of each of the resources is likely to be. So, all things being equal, R5 is a better bet. However, the amount of implementation support for R5 is considerably less than for R4 and some jurisdictions may opt to not support R5 at all. (E.g. the U.S.) Therefore consider who you're going to need to share with.

The migration effort really depends on what you're implementing. Some resources (e.g. Patient, Observation, etc.) have changed very little - and the changes that did occur may not impact your application because you don't use those elements. Other resources have changed more radically. The amount of effort involved also depends on how your software is architected. You can see lists of changes and maps between R4 and R5 in the R5 spec on each resource page.

Finally, 'repository' is not the same as 'interface'. It's perfectly possible to expose both an R4 and an R5 API on the same internal data store. Typically you'll have to map between your internal storage representation and your FHIR API regardless of what version you support, so two interfaces just means two sets of maps.

Hi Zhang,

you'll find a JDBC example below : 

import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

public class RetrieveBlob {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Replace with your connection details
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/your_database";
    String username = "your_username";
    String password = "your_password";

    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

    String sql = "SELECT image FROM your_table WHERE id = ?";
    PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    stmt.setInt(1, 1); // Replace with the ID you want to query

    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

    if (rs.next()) {
      Blob blob = rs.getBlob("image"); // Replace "image" with your column name

      // Option 1: Get Bytes
      byte[] imageBytes = blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length()); // Get all bytes
      // Process the imageBytes byte array

      // Option 2: Stream Processing
      // InputStream in = blob.getBinaryStream();
      // ... process the stream


Thanks @Alberto Fuentes 
I suggest to keep information regarding the classname of the message and its ID :

Method %ShowContents(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
   do ..%JSONExportToString(.jsonExport)
    set formatter = ##class(%JSON.Formatter).%New()
    do formatter.FormatToString(jsonExport, .json)
        <i style="color:green;">type: #($classname())#  id: #(..%Id())# </i>

 in order to get :

Thanks to @Vitaliy Serdtsev : it is also possible to directly retrieve JSON from an SQL query, with the functionsJSON_ARRAYAGG and JSON_OBJECT :

              ,'DOB':to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY')
            ) json_obj
           FROM sample.person
                ,'DOB':to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY')
                ) json_obj
       FROM sample.person

Result :

Hello @Ashok Kumar 
this SQL query is very powerful, but I'm not able to make it work neither with simple TOP, nor with %VID in order to get a pagination.

SELECT top 5
             ,'DOB':to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY')
         FROM sample.person
            ,'DOB':to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY')
         FROM sample.person)

in both cases, I get the full table with all its records.


with IRIS you can avoid the now deprecated %ZEN.Auxiliary and rather use %DynamicObject / %DynamicArray

ObjectScript : 

ClassMethod getJSON() As %String
    set query = "SELECT top 3 name,age,to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY') as dob FROM sample.person"
    set rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,query)

    set list = []
    while rs.%Next() {
        set row = {"name":(rs.%Get("name")),"age":(rs.%Get("age")),"dob":(rs.%Get("dob"))}
        do list.%Push(row)
    set result = {"results":(list.%Size()),"items":(list)}
    return result.%ToJSON()

Result : 

write ##class(resultset).getJSON()
{"results":3,"items":[{"name":"Pantaleo,Mary Q.","age":36,"dob":"Monday 07 December 1987"},{"name":"Underman,Laura I.","age":71,"dob":"Friday 16 May 1952"},{"name":"Huff,Lydia J.","age":26,"dob":"Sunday 09 November 1997"}]}

Embedded Python :  

ClassMethod get() As %String [ Language = python ]
import iris
import json
query = "SELECT top 3 name,age,to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY') FROM sample.person"

list = []
for idx, x in enumerate(rs):
    row = {"name":x[0],"age":x[1],"dob":x[2]}
result = {"results":len(list),"items":list}
return json.dumps(result)

Result : 

write ##class(resultset).get()
{"results": 3, "items": [{"name": "Pantaleo,Mary Q.", "age": 36, "dob": "Monday 07 December 1987"}, {"name": "Underman,Laura I.", "age": 71, "dob": "Friday 16 May 1952"}, {"name": "Huff,Lydia J.", "age": 26, "dob": "Sunday 09 November 1997"}]}

With embedded python you can get your JSON with few lines of code.

resultsetJSONembedded.py :

import os
import getpass
if not 'IRISUSERNAME' in os.environ:
    os.environ['IRISUSERNAME'] = input('set IRISUSERNAME [_SYSTEM] :') or "_SYSTEM"
if not 'IRISPASSWORD' in os.environ:
    os.environ['IRISPASSWORD'] = getpass.getpass('set IRISPASSWORD [SYS]:') or 'SYS'
if not 'IRISNAMESPACE' in os.environ:
    os.environ['IRISNAMESPACE'] = input('set IRISNAMESPACE [IRISAPP] :') or "IRISAPP"
import iris
import json
query = "SELECT top 5 name,age,to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY') FROM sample.person"

list = []
for idx, x in enumerate(rs):
    row = {"name":x[0],"age":x[1],"dob":x[2]}
result = {"results":len(list),"items":list}

Result :

irispython resultsetJSONembedded.py 
{"results": 3, "items": [{"name": "Xander,Dan T.", "age": 35, "dob": "Tuesday 10 January 1989"}, {"name": "Kratzmann,Jane O.", "age": 34, "dob": "Thursday 14 September 1989"}, {"name": "Ingrahm,Bill S.", "age": 82, "dob": "Saturday 01 November 1941"}]}

or if you prefer export environment variables (without exposing the IRISPASSWORD) :

irispython resultsetJSONembedded.py 
{"results": 3, "items": [{"name": "Xander,Dan T.", "age": 35, "dob": "Tuesday 10 January 1989"}, {"name": "Kratzmann,Jane O.", "age": 34, "dob": "Thursday 14 September 1989"}, {"name": "Ingrahm,Bill S.", "age": 82, "dob": "Saturday 01 November 1941"}]}
{"results": 3, "items": [{"name": "Xander,Dan T.", "age": 35, "dob": "Tuesday 10 January 1989"}, {"name": "Kratzmann,Jane O.", "age": 34, "dob": "Thursday 14 September 1989"}, {"name": "Ingrahm,Bill S.", "age": 82, "dob": "Saturday 01 November 1941"}]}


I know your question was about ObjectScript, but if Python is allowed in your environment, I suggest to use it to get JSON : 

resultsetJSON.py :

import iris
import json
import getpass
import os
if 'IRISHOSTNAME' in os.environ:
    hostname = os.environ['IRISHOSTNAME']
    hostname = input('hostname [localhost] :') or "localhost"
if 'IRISPORT' in os.environ:
    port = os.environ['IRISPORT']
    port = input('port [1972] :') or "1972"
if 'IRISUSERNAME' in os.environ:
    username = os.environ['IRISUSERNAME']
    username = input('login [_SYSTEM] :') or "_SYSTEM"
if 'IRISPASSWORD' in os.environ:
    password = os.environ['IRISPASSWORD']
    password = getpass.getpass('password [SYS]:') or 'SYS'
if 'IRISNAMESPACE' in os.environ:
    namespace = os.environ['IRISNAMESPACE']
    namespace = input('namespace [IRISAPP] :') or "IRISAPP"
connection_string = hostname + ":" + port + "/" + namespace
connectionIRIS = iris.connect(connection_string, username, password)
cursorIRIS = connectionIRIS.cursor()
print("Connected to",connection_string)

query = "SELECT top 3 name,age,to_char(dob,'Day DD Month YYYY') FROM sample.person"
resultSet = cursorIRIS.fetchall()

list = []
result = {"results":len(resultSet),"items":list}
for x in resultSet:
    row = {"name":x[0],"age":x[1],"dob":x[2]}

Result :

python resultsetJSON.py
hostname [localhost] :
port [1972] :51779
login [_SYSTEM] :
password [SYS]:
namespace [IRISAPP] :
Connected to localhost:51779/IRISAPP
{"results": 3, "items": [{"name": "Pantaleo,Mary Q.", "age": 36, "dob": "Monday 07 December 1987"}, {"name": "Underman,Laura I.", "age": 71, "dob": "Friday 16 May 1952"}, {"name": "Huff,Lydia J.", "age": 26, "dob": "Sunday 09 November 1997"}]}
"name":"Pantaleo,Mary Q.",
"dob":"Monday 07 December 1987"
"name":"Underman,Laura I.",
"dob":"Friday 16 May 1952"
"name":"Huff,Lydia J.",
"dob":"Sunday 09 November 1997"