The answer has been given in French here by @Lorenzo Scalese 

You can create a custom class query like this: 

Class dc.Frank

Query QueryAFO() As %Query(ROWSPEC = "key1:%String,key2:%String,key3:%String,key4:%String,key5:%String,key6:%String,datavalue:%String") [ SqlProc ]

ClassMethod QueryAFOExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status
    Set qHandle("node") = $Name(^AFO)
    Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod QueryAFOFetch(
	ByRef qHandle As %Binary,
	ByRef Row As %List,
	ByRef AtEnd As %Boolean) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = QueryAFOExecute ]
    Set sc = $$$OK
    Set qHandle("node") = $Query(@qHandle("node"), 1, data)

    If qHandle("node") = "" Set Row = "", AtEnd = $$$YES Quit $$$OK
    ; feeds the key x fields based on the subscripts of the global
    For i=1:1:$QLength(qHandle("node")) Set $List(Row, i) = $QSubscript(qHandle("node"), i)

    If i < 6 {  ; if we do not have 6 subscripts, we feed the rest with an empty string
        For j = i+1:1:6 Set $List(Row, j) = ""

    Set $List(Row, 7) = data, AtEnd = $$$NO
    Quit sc

ClassMethod QueryAFOClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = QueryAFOExecute ]
	Kill qHandle Quit $$$OK

/// just for some test data
ClassMethod set()
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville")="66722,3743"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","111BB","OBT")=",MMM,XXX,"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","111OW","OBT")=",XXX,MMM,"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","AANVRBIBS","zzz")    =    "1^^1"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","AANVRBIBS","zzz","*","dut")    =    "*afhalen waar gevonden"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","AANVRBIBS","zzz","*","eng")    =    "*Pickup where found"
    s ^AFO("Site","Ville","AANVRBIBS","zzz","*","fre")    =    "*Lieu où trouvé"


You can then easily exploit it with the following query:

select *
from dc.Frank_QueryAFO()

In terminal mode, you can also simply use this line to display the results:

Do ##class(dc.Frank).QueryAFOFunc().%Display()

For my part, I carried out the test on IRIS 2023.2, there should be no incompatibility, but if you notice a problem do not hesitate to respond with the error message.

Hi @Yuri Marx,

and today, you can add to this list : 

  1. Embedded Python
  2. Adaptive Analytics (AtScale)
  3. System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM)
  4. InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO)
  5. SQL improvements on performances and capabilities (Global Iterator,  Columnar Storage, Adaptive Parallel Execution, LOAD DATA, etc.)
  6. Kernel enhancements (Mirroring, etc.)
  7. Security enhancements 
  8. etc. (see release notes)

To activate all system AUDIT events, simply execute the following SQL query from the namespace %SYS :

update set enabled=1 where flags = 1

example :

set tRes = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"update set enabled=1 where flags = 1")

if tRes.%SQLCODE=0 {

set ^["USER"]TRACE("%SYS Security.Events")=tRes.%ROWCOUNT_" successfully enabled"

} else {

set ^["USER"]TRACE("%SYS Security.Events")=tRes.%Message_" SQLCODE:"_tRes.%SQLCODE
