User bio
Specialized engineer in database management systems, I have participated in the development of applications for several software editors in the medical field or healthcare end-users, notably at the head office of the APHP.

To complete my expertise in data storage, I joined the editor Oracle, before joining InterSystems in 2001.

My skills in data processing have therefore been extended, from multi-model storage, interoperability (and more particularly on health exchange standards), to real-time analysis and artificial intelligence (AI / ML), so as to cover a broad spectrum of the data lifecycle in all industries.

Ingénieur spécialisé en systèmes de gestion de bases de données, j'ai participé aux développements d'applications de plusieurs éditeurs du domaine médical ou d'établissements de santé, notamment au siège de l'APHP.

Pour compléter mon expertise en stockage de données, j'ai ensuite intégré l'éditeur Oracle, avant de rejoindre InterSystems France dès 2001.

Mes compétences en traitement de la donnée se sont dès lors étendues, depuis le stockage multi-modèles, l'interopérabilité (et plus particulièrement sur les standards d'échanges en santé), jusqu'à l'analyse en temps-réel et à l'intelligence artificielle (IA/ML), de manière à couvrir un large spectre du cycle de vie de la donnée.


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Member since Dec 2, 2015

And to answer your question, when you simply restart the Primary Linux server, the Backup member is automatically switching to become primary.

Below the messages.log from the Backup member while the Primary is restarting.

07/09/24-12:05:49:781 (6502) 0 [Utility.Event] DejournalProcessor: Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 0 in file #7(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007)
07/09/24-12:05:50:953 (6508) 0 [Utility.Event] Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 200088 in file #7(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007)
07/09/24-12:05:51:076 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Retrieving journal file #7 for mirror MIRROR from|2188...(repeated 1 times)
07/09/24-12:05:51:076 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] GetECPSessionData: Got ECP data from agent len=1
07/09/24-12:05:51:076 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Manager initialized for MIRROR
07/09/24-12:05:51:185 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Found UBUNTU/IRIS as primary, becoming backup
07/09/24-12:05:51:186 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Becoming a backup mirror member
07/09/24-12:05:51:445 (6510) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Starting Mirror.Client("MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007",200088,7)
07/09/24-12:05:51:448 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Connected to primary: UBUNTU/IRIS (ver 4)
07/09/24-12:05:51:458 (6512) 0 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection established (
07/09/24-12:05:52:737 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover on request from primary
07/09/24-12:05:56:740 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: The backup node has become active from a status query
07/09/24-12:05:59:766 (6517) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.006 from 262144 bytes to 81920 bytes, compression ratio = 3.2
07/09/24-12:06:17:920 (6377) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror status changed. Member type = Failover, Status = Backup
07/09/24-14:31:54:643 (6512) 2 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection lost
07/09/24-14:31:55:304 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Skipping connection to arbiter while still in Arbiter Controlled failover mode.
07/09/24-14:31:55:419 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Arbiter Controlled to Agent Controlled failover on request from primary
07/09/24-14:32:25:437 (6584) 0 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection established (
07/09/24-14:32:28:235 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover on request from primary
07/09/24-14:33:11:438 (6510) 1 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Primary AckDaemon failed to answer status request.
07/09/24-14:33:11:438 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Backup waiting for old Dejournal Reader (pid: 6511, job #28) to exit
07/09/24-14:33:12:250 (6510) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Set status for MIRROR to Transition
07/09/24-14:33:12:254 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Backup taking over for primary in arbiter controlled mode
07/09/24-14:33:12:304 (6589) 0 [Utility.Event] Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 356088 in file #7(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007)
07/09/24-14:33:12:330 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Manager initialized for MIRROR
07/09/24-14:33:12:362 (6362) 0 [Generic.Event] INTERSYSTEMS IRIS JOURNALING SYSTEM MESSAGE
Journaling switched to: /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.008
07/09/24-14:33:12:368 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event]   Scanning /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007
07/09/24-14:33:12:388 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] No open transactions to roll back
07/09/24-14:33:12:391 (6362) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: New primary activating databases which are current as of 356088 (0x00056ef8) in mirror journal file #7
07/09/24-14:33:12:391 (6362) 0 [Generic.Event] Changed database /usr/iris/mgr/user/ (SFN 4) to read-write due to becoming primary.
07/09/24-14:33:12:391 (6362) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Primary startup reset to Agent Controlled failover
07/09/24-14:33:12:406 (6362) 0 [Utility.Event] Initializing Interoperability during mirror initialization
07/09/24-14:33:12:410 (6362) 2 [Utility.Event] Becoming primary mirror server
07/09/24-14:33:13:141 (6590) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/20240709.010 from 196608 bytes to 73728 bytes, compression ratio = 2.7
07/09/24-14:33:13:166 (6590) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007 from 393216 bytes to 77824 bytes, compression ratio = 5.1
07/09/24-14:33:26:097 (6377) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror status changed. Member type = Failover, Status = Primary
07/09/24-14:36:51:766 (6651) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Starting connection for: UBUNTU/IRIS (failover member) (ver 4) at offset 0x00030d98 (200088) in  file #8
07/09/24-14:36:52:875 (6651) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Client up to date, linking with journal daemon @ 0x000310a4
07/09/24-14:36:52:878 (6651) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover

And from the side of the former primary who's now restarted as backup :

07/09/24-14:36:45:825 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] Mirror manager for MIRROR starting
07/09/24-14:36:45:842 (1697) 0 [Utility.Event] Starting TASKMGR
07/09/24-14:36:45:860 (1704) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] System Monitor started in %SYS
07/09/24-14:36:45:909 (1690) 0 [Utility.Event] Shard license: 1
07/09/24-14:36:45:910 (1711) 0 [Utility.Event] WorkQueue: Starting work queue daemon parent=1690
07/09/24-14:36:46:058 (1704) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror state: Member type = Failover, Status = Transition
07/09/24-14:36:46:319 (1568) 0 [Generic.Event] Auditing to /usr/iris/mgr/irisaudit/
07/09/24-14:36:46:421 (1568) 0 [Utility.Event] Enabling logons
07/09/24-14:36:46:429 (1568) 0 [Utility.Event] Initializing Interoperability during system startup
07/09/24-14:36:47:653 (1682) 0 [Utility.Event] LMF Info:  Connected to license server,4002
07/09/24-14:36:47:930 (1830) 0 [Utility.Event] DejournalProcessor: Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 356088 in file #7(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007)
07/09/24-14:36:47:930 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] Retrieving journal file #8 for mirror MIRROR from|2188
07/09/24-14:36:48:968 (1830) 0 [Utility.Event] DejournalProcessor: Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 0 in file #8(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.008)
07/09/24-14:36:50:285 (1833) 0 [Utility.Event] Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 200088 in file #8(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.008)
07/09/24-14:36:50:523 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] Retrieving journal file #8 for mirror MIRROR from|2188...(repeated 1 times)
07/09/24-14:36:50:523 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] GetECPSessionData: Got ECP data from agent len=1
07/09/24-14:36:50:523 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] Manager initialized for MIRROR
07/09/24-14:36:50:712 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] Found UBUNTU-2/IRIS as primary, becoming backup
07/09/24-14:36:50:713 (1689) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Becoming a backup mirror member
07/09/24-14:36:51:239 (1835) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Starting Mirror.Client("MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.008",200088,8)
07/09/24-14:36:51:242 (1835) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Connected to primary: UBUNTU-2/IRIS (ver 4)
07/09/24-14:36:51:266 (1837) 0 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection established (
07/09/24-14:36:52:353 (1835) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover on request from primary
07/09/24-14:36:56:358 (1835) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: The backup node has become active from a status query
07/09/24-14:36:57:774 (1850) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.007 from 393216 bytes to 77824 bytes, compression ratio = 5.1
07/09/24-14:37:16:627 (1704) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror status changed. Member type = Failover, Status = Backup

Hi @Kamal Suri 
below my results in a mirror env.

After stopping the Primary Linux server, the IRIS instance on the Backup Linux server becomes Primary and forces the previous Primary IRIS to shutdown when it comes back (as expected).

When you restart the IRIS instance in the previous Primary Linux, it becomes Backup.

Below the messages.log from the previous Backup who became Primary :

07/09/24-11:47:15:808 (5427) 0 [Database.MountedRO] Mounted database /usr/iris/mgr/user/ (SFN 5) read-only. Mirrored DB needs activation. 
07/09/24-11:47:29:355 (5312) 0 [Database.MirrorActivated] Activated database /usr/iris/mgr/user/ (SFN 5) in mirror 'MIRROR' for use on this mirror member; mounted read-only.
07/09/24-11:47:34:176 (5552) 0 [Utility.Event] Mirror 'MIRROR' catchup started for 1 database.
07/09/24-11:47:34:883 (5552) 1 [Utility.Event] :mirror:MIRROR:USER (sfn 5) remains inactive because it is not active on the primary
07/09/24-11:51:14:822 (5465) 1 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Primary AckDaemon failed to answer status request.
07/09/24-11:51:14:823 (5465) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Backup waiting for old Dejournal Reader (pid: 5466, job #33) to exit
07/09/24-11:51:15:698 (5465) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Set status for MIRROR to Transition
07/09/24-11:51:18:705 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event] Backup taking over for primary in arbiter controlled mode
07/09/24-11:51:18:752 (5649) 0 [Utility.Event] Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 382140 in file #5(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.005)
07/09/24-11:51:18:784 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event] Manager initialized for MIRROR
07/09/24-11:51:18:812 (5449) 0 [Generic.Event] INTERSYSTEMS IRIS JOURNALING SYSTEM MESSAGE
Journaling switched to: /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.006
07/09/24-11:51:18:822 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event]   Scanning /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.005
07/09/24-11:51:18:853 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event] No open transactions to roll back
07/09/24-11:51:18:855 (5449) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: New primary activating databases which are current as of 382140 (0x0005d4bc) in mirror journal file #5
07/09/24-11:51:18:855 (5449) 0 [Generic.Event] Changed database /usr/iris/mgr/user/ (SFN 5) to read-write due to becoming primary.
07/09/24-11:51:18:855 (5449) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Primary startup reset to Agent Controlled failover
07/09/24-11:51:19:012 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event] Initializing Interoperability during mirror initialization
07/09/24-11:51:19:013 (5449) 2 [Utility.Event] Becoming primary mirror server
07/09/24-11:51:28:743 (5192) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror status changed. Member type = Failover, Status = Primary
07/09/24-11:51:29:683 (5652) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/20240709.009 from 327680 bytes to 102400 bytes, compression ratio = 3.2
07/09/24-11:51:29:705 (5652) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.005 from 393216 bytes to 106496 bytes, compression ratio = 3.7
07/09/24-11:51:54:196 (5449) 0 [Utility.Event] Forcing down old primary ("UBUNTU/IRIS") which is currently in a trouble state
07/09/24-11:53:53:566 (5687) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Starting connection for: UBUNTU/IRIS (failover member) (ver 4) at offset 0x00031e68 (204392) in  file #6
07/09/24-11:53:54:669 (5687) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Client up to date, linking with journal daemon @ 0x00031e68
07/09/24-11:53:54:858 (5687) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover

and the messages.log from the previous Primary who is now Backup :

07/09/24-11:53:50:157 (6577) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror state: Member type = Failover, Status = Transition
07/09/24-11:53:50:236 (6543) 0 [Generic.Event] Auditing to /usr/iris/mgr/irisaudit/
07/09/24-11:53:50:274 (6543) 0 [Utility.Event] Enabling logons
07/09/24-11:53:50:282 (6543) 0 [Utility.Event] Initializing Interoperability during system startup
07/09/24-11:53:50:877 (6695) 0 [Utility.Event] DejournalProcessor: Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 382140 in file #5(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.005)
07/09/24-11:53:50:877 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] Retrieving journal file #6 for mirror MIRROR from|2188
07/09/24-11:53:51:905 (6695) 0 [Utility.Event] DejournalProcessor: Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 0 in file #6(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.006)
07/09/24-11:53:51:919 (6550) 0 [Utility.Event] LMF Info:  Connected to license server,4002
07/09/24-11:53:53:071 (6697) 0 [Utility.Event] Applying journal data for mirror "MIRROR" starting at 204392 in file #6(/usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.006)
07/09/24-11:53:53:200 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] Retrieving journal file #6 for mirror MIRROR from|2188...(repeated 1 times)
07/09/24-11:53:53:200 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] GetECPSessionData: Got ECP data from agent len=1
07/09/24-11:53:53:200 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] Manager initialized for MIRROR
07/09/24-11:53:53:302 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] Found UBUNTU-2/IRIS as primary, becoming backup
07/09/24-11:53:53:303 (6557) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Becoming a backup mirror member
07/09/24-11:53:53:567 (6699) 0 [Utility.Event] (MIRROR) Starting Mirror.Client("MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.006",204392,6)
07/09/24-11:53:53:569 (6699) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Connected to primary: UBUNTU-2/IRIS (ver 4)
07/09/24-11:53:53:582 (6701) 0 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection established (
07/09/24-11:53:54:861 (6699) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Agent Controlled to Arbiter Controlled failover on request from primary
07/09/24-11:53:54:916 (6699) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: The backup node has become active
07/09/24-11:54:01:989 (6718) 0 [Utility.Event] Journal File Compression: Compressed /usr/iris/mgr/journal/MIRROR-MIRROR-20240709.005 from 393216 bytes to 106496 bytes, compression ratio = 3.7
07/09/24-11:54:20:174 (6577) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror status changed. Member type = Failover, Status = Backup

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