Nothing happens until you intentionally load classes from a new branch and other resources into an IRIS namespace.

But I highly recommend you to rebuild iris docker image and reload classes from a new branch when switching branches otherwise you could have a mix of two (or even more) branches in IRIS that can lead to unexpected behaviour.

Great article, @Muhammad Waseem !

I'd add a docker command to start terminal.

First this one launches IRIS and creates a fresh namespace alone with the user 'demo' and password 'demo':

docker run --rm --name iris-demo -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773 -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo -e IRIS_NAMESPACE=DEV intersystemsdc/iris-community

Then to launch a terminal in PROD namespace:

docker exec -it iris-demo iris session iris -U DEV