*** archived ***

The question has come up several times and I saw mixed answers and no quick example

My personal preference is using CPIPE device as you get back exactly the output you will get at the command line interface of your OS .
The tricky thing is to stop reading in time.
The example just displays what you normally see in your console.
it becomes useful if you look for things that you can't get from any $system.whatever()

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Sometimes, we need to copy part of the properties of an object into a different one.
The simplest thing would be to do the following:

Set obj1.FirstName = obj2.FirstName

Set obj1.SecondName = obj2.SecondName

What happens if the object contains a large number of properties? or we just want to extract an important group of data, and complement the information in another object?

Having the following classes:

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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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· Sep 20, 2018 2m read
Get Day of the Week from Date

This code snippet determines the day of the week associated with a date. The class method "test" takes a date as a string in "mm/dd/yyyy" format, and returns an integer corresponding to a day of the week:

Class cartertiernan.getDayfromDate Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test(date) as %Integer {
        //Set date = $ZDATE(date) //  Looks like: mm/dd/yyyy
        Set monthList = $LISTBUILD(0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5) // (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,...)
        Set centuryList = $LISTBUILD(6,4,2,0) // first two digits divisiable by 4, then subsequent centuries. EX (2000, 2100, 2200, 2300)
        Set dayList = $LISTBUILD("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") // Index goes from 0-6
        Set day = $PIECE(date,"/",2) // get the day 
        Set monthVal = $LIST(monthList,($PIECE( date,"/",1 ))) // get the month value
        Set first2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) \ 100 // get the last 2 digits of the year
        Set last2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) # 100 // get the first 2 digits of the year
        // Used for DEBUG perpouses
        /*write !,"day: ",day
        write !,"Month: ",monthVal
        write !,"last2: ",last2DigsYear
        write !,"first2: ",first2DigsYear
        write !,"cen Val: ",$LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1),!!*/
        // Look here for formula explination (its the "Basic method for mental calculation")
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determination_of_the_day_of_the_week
        Set dayOfWeekVal = ( day + monthVal + last2DigsYear + (last2DigsYear\4) + $LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1 ) ) # 7
        Quit dayOfWeekVal

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

(originally posted to CODE by Carter Tiernan, 6/18/14)

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· Apr 25, 2018 4m read
DNI functions

Hi everyone!

I want to share four functions with you. I hope that you can use it at some time.

DNI: the initials of the type of national identity document, is composed of different series of numbers and letters. That proves the identity and personal data of the holder, as well as the Spanish nationality. Example: 94494452X

NIE: The NIE or foreigner identity number is a code for foreigners in Spain.

In this page you can generate examples of DNI or NIE https://generadordni.es/

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Here is a snippet that I learned yesterday

You can define an index on a collection property but when I tried to use it, I failed. I was using

     Select ….. where …. :xx %INLIST collproperty

But this will not use an index, but the equivalent syntax

     SELECT .. WHERE ... FOR SOME %ELEMENT(collproperty) (%VALUE=:xx)

will use the index

Check out


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