We have a custom business service that is triggered by a scheduled task. The service queries a table, iterates over the result set and sends a message on to a business process for each result. Happy path functionality is all fine.

However, when there is an error detected in the business service code, neither throwing an exception nor returning an error %Status behaves as we'd expect.

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Hi everyone,

I'm facing issues uninstalling Ensemble software from my system. I've tried using the command first ensemble-2018. /instance LOCALENSEMBLE /qn REMOVE=ALL. Additionally, when I try to uninstall it through Settings > Apps and Features, it doesn't get removed and lists the app again there.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem or could provide guidance on the proper uninstallation process for Ensemble? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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· Apr 8
DynaTree problem

Hi Guys,

Any Idea on how can make a dynaTree with 4 levels hierarchy (attached), I'm using the below code but sometimes works and other cases it doesn't?

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Hi Guy,

Made a fresh new Install of our currently working application from our current server to a new one but when trying to run the application in the new server it raises a page not found error:

this is the web application setup

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· May 14
dynaTree looping

Hi Guys

I'm using the below to populate a tree to just show the root with a folder icon but whenever I click on a folder it loops back to the original folder, how can I disable the root folder from expanding to the next, I only want to show the main opened root folder and not to go any further?

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0 47

I would like to send bundle object to a router and then
perform a DTL with in the routing rule ( this BundleObject as a source to my DTL).
during this process , I get below exception

reqStream = json content in a stream

Set BundleObject=##class(HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Bundle).FromJSON(reqStream,"vR4")

Set tSC = BusinessService.SendRequestSync("SAMPLE_ROUTER", BundleObj)

expection :

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0 32

Hi guys,

Does anyone know what this error message mean, we are trying to save records to My.Package.List
class and sometimes we get this error message at first but when I try to save the same record again from the Terminal it does save fine?

0 1
0 31

Hi guys,

How can call a clientMethod, Method or classMethod from a html component?

I've this hyperlink acting as a button in a zen page and onclick I've tried the below which is actually executing the function but failing to call the classMethod line, and is there a way to just call clientMethod instead of javascript ?

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