Process-private Globals can be used as a data global in storage definition. That way, each process can have its own objects for the class with ppg storage. For example lets define a pool, which can:

  • add elements to a pool (ignoring duplicates)
  • check if an element exists in the pool

Here's the class:

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The field test of Caché 2016.2 has been available for quite some time and I would like to focus on one of the substantial features that is new in this version: the document data model. This model is a natural addition to the multiple ways we support for handling data including Objects, Tables and Multidimensional arrays. It makes the platform more flexible and suitable for even more use cases.

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0 2.6K
· Jan 12, 2016 9m read
Is there someone that has developped a program in order to create a 
"decisiontree"? Depending The answer to a question leads to another question, and so on, 
and so on, and there is an option to return to another point in the decisiontree.

Best regards,


p.s. I've already got something, but it's not workable. But to get an idea:

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