I have a web application with html, css, js files (no ZEN/CSP).

Problem: after I update them on a server, Caché still servers old and cached version (browser Cache is disabled).

There is a manual cache purge in Gateway Settings, of course, but is there an automatic solution?

I'll be okay with disabling cache server-wide, but an application-wide solution would be better.

I don't want to host web app on a separate web server.

Here's my web app config:

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I was wondering if anyone has combined ZEN Web Development with frameworks such as W3Schools W3.CSS Framework or the popular Bootstrap Framework?

We are currently using Caché 2013.1.6 so we do not have ZEN Mojo installed which ships in Caché 2014.2 or later.

What would be the recommended approach if looking to integrate one of these frameworks?

I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

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