A lot of developers like to work with Studio and have been looking into source code version control such as GIT or into enabling modern development workflows like CICD or DevOps processes.

This article describe an elementary solution to get you started in CICD and DevOps, even if you are not yet ready to move to Atelier or forth coming VS Code approach which enable client side source code version control.

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (https://www.python.org/about/apps/)

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Automated InterSystems IRIS Cloud Scaling

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Resilient Deployments in the Cloud

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Database systems have very specific backup requirements that in enterprise deployments require forethought and planning. For database systems, the operational goal of a backup solution is to create a copy of the data in a state that is equivalent to when application is shut down gracefully. Application consistent backups meet these requirements and Caché provides a set of APIs that facilitate the integration with external solutions to achieve this level of backup consistency.

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Breaking news!

InterSystems just announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform across the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure marketplaces.

With access to InterSystems unified data platform on all three major cloud providers, developers and customers have flexibility to rapidly build and scale the digital applications driving the future of care on the platform of their choice.

To learn more please follow this link.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Choosing a Public Cloud

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Hey folks,

I am new to IRIS and cloud platforms. I've done the InterSystems IRIS Experience on the learning site and read a lot of the online documentation. What I am unable to figure out is which type of package or option you will use on the cloud provider.

AWS for example, has AWS EC2, Elastic Beanstalk and some other products geared towards Docker containers.
Azure has Kubernetes and some other options.

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++Update: August 2, 2018

This article provides a reference architecture as a sample for providing robust performing and highly available applications based on InterSystems Technologies that are applicable to Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare, TrakCare, and associated embedded technologies such as DeepSee, iKnow, Zen and Zen Mojo.

Azure has two different deployment models for creating and working with resources: Azure Classic and Azure Resource Manager. The information detailed in this article is based on the Azure Resource Manager model (ARM).

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