Clear filter
Joe Jones · Mar 13, 2023
).Lookup("TMP_VistA_Systems",patientFacility),^zzphil("p1")=VistABO s:$g(VistABO)="" badResponse.FailureReason="Patient Site is not configured in HealthConnect" } if $L
Yuri Marx · May 29, 2023
want to test is working. Call a GET method for http://localhost:32783/fhir/r4/Patient/1 and see the results as illustrated below:
Running JMeter
To run JMeter do
Eduardo Anglada · May 11, 2021
this right: 99 GB and not a single index? The IRIS numbers are incredible under those circumstances, but surely one would put some effort into the schema before issuing non
Developer Community Admin · Oct 21, 2015
is found within a clinician's textual notes: his impressions, what he learned from conversing with the patient, why he reached his diagnosis or ordered a test, what he concluded
Julian Matthews · Jul 21, 2021
using the SetValueAt Method for the HL7 Message Class.
When System A processes multiple orders for a single patient, the result will come in a single message
Question G · Aug 4, 2021
The RowId can be overridden by creating an Index on a property of the class and assigning it the attributes [Unique, PrimaryKey, IDKey]. PrimaryKey says that the property value
John Hotalen · Nov 30, 2016
the flexibility to do so, would be putting an [IDKey] index on the code property of the code tables, having the code properties in ICDAutoCodeDefn refer to the code table classes rather
Zeljko Sucic · Jul 26
Which works great in gunicorn, uvicorn, even simple python runserver... but in IRIS it kept silently failing and throwing us back to login screen.
After much
Kevin Furze · May 14, 2016
counts of just over 1,000,990 using that sqlthe plan clearly shows it's dropping down the consolidateID index first, then the dealerid->routeid, then the statusCode but has
Stuart Byrne · Jun 4, 2020
Category: 2.4Message Structure: ORU_R01Segment Structure: OBX
Path you followed to get to this Segment Structure: PIDgrpgrp().ORCgrp().OBXgrp().OBX
You will need to set the index
Danny Wijnschenk · Nov 15, 2017
This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.
For an introduction and an index of all articles: go to article https
Thiago Zenaro · May 3, 2018
this was referred to as the property class but that definition is expanded to include other member types such as query, index, and so on. Methods inherited by a member from the member
wenjie zhao · May 24, 2021
this page and your description it sounds like an HA cluster with shared storage:
Do you have any specific questions
Evgeny Shvarov · Apr 14, 2019
After multiplication:
Notice @arr@(index) construct. This is called
Ben Spead · Apr 12, 2023
the index entry in ^rINDEXCLASS($$$UPPER(classname)) to the new namespace.
Don't forget to move all related classes such as Serial classes, datatype classes, super classes, references