
Clear filter
Ewan Whyte · Mar 19

Query external SQL database to use within a Production

confusing if you have a complicated SQL statement. In this example, I am using a patients identifier, querying a SQL database and getting back their GP details. Solution 1
Zhong Li · Jul 18, 2020

Save Pandas DataFrame into IRIS - a quick note

is simply to predict whether a patient (linked to 1 or more encounter records) would be admitted to ICU. So it's a normal classification task, and we would as usual use
Heloisa Paiva · Oct 25, 2023

Example of Flask application with SQLAlchemy-IRIS - Part 1

Index Part 1 Introducing Flask: a quick review of the Flask Docs, where you will find all the information you need for this tutorial; Connecting to InterSystems IRIS
Wendy Griffiths · Jul 22, 2016

Overriding the property setter and getter methods

(Wendy.LTCodes).GetInvalid({Code})}, SqlComputed, SqlComputeOnChange = Code ]; Index CodeIndex On Code [ IdKey, PrimaryKey, Unique ]; ClassMethod GetInvalid(WSCode) As %Boolean
Mikhail Khomenko · Oct 11, 2021

Using Cloud Monitoring to Monitor IRIS-Based Applications Deployed in GKE

simple-iris. Then, we package a chart: $ helm package simple-iris/ Then move a resulting gzipped archive into a repository directory (gh-pages branch). Then update the index-file
Steven Hobbs · Oct 8, 2019

$LIST string format and %DynamicArray and %DynamicObject classes

in the following discussion.) The first element of a %DynamicArray has index 0 while the first element of a $LIST has index 1. Until a %DynamicArray element is evaluated
John Bradshaw · Jul 12, 2023

Help with global mapping with two namespaces with a static subscript

As %String [ Required ]; /// Contact Row IDProperty RowID As %Library.String(SELECTIVITY = 1, TRUNCATE = 1) [ Required ]; Index RowIDBasedIDKeyIndex On (NS, RowID) [ IdKey, PrimaryKey
Maxim Yerokhin · Sep 21, 2016

ASP.NET Identity Caché Provider — working with Identity via InterSystems Caché

; u.UserName) .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(256) .HasColumnAnnotation("Index", new IndexAnnotation(new IndexAttribute("UserNameIndex
Mike Kadow · Aug 13, 2016

NewBie's Corner Session 17 New command

Community, don't send me private email, unless of course you wish to address me only.See "Newbie's Corner Index" for an index of all NewBies' Posts One difficulty when converting old
Sergey Mikhailenko · Apr 20, 2021

Full screen editor for routines, arrays and text files in terminal mode

with the Enter key, and cancel with Esc. To edit a specific node, you can go to it F7 by entering the desired index. For example 1000. It is also possible to filter and display only those
Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 6, 2020

RealWorld Application with InterSystems IRIS

] Activate SUCCESS [realworld] Test START Use the following URL to view the result:$NAMESPACE
Evgeny Shvarov · Aug 31, 2019

What do You Use For Static Array Management in ObjectScript: List vs Global vs Local vs PPG

(^Month) k @ad d ..MonthGlobalSetup(ad) // get the particular value by index W "Month N5 is ",@ad@(5) // work with all entries of the global level set monthId
David Satorres · Aug 7, 2018

Speeding up $listget

:-) I have thousands of registers in a class, and to access it quickly I'm going with $o at the index. From there, I get the values using $listget(). Something like that: s
Michael Davidovich · Jan 3, 2019

n00b questions

;.<CLASS>D and the index global will be I instead of D. So, for the data, you're looking at, in my case:%SYS>zw ^User.TestPopulateD--> This is empty, because I haven't
Terri Tattan · May 10, 2016

Adding sources to existing domain

the Drop option. It will issue warnings (Source with external ID already exists) but continue to index the rest.For the third method (with loader and lister), you can simply take