· Apr 29, 2020

OpenId() is slow, why?

Hi Community! I need your advice.

The method below is 6 times slower on production server than on developing machine:

ClassMethod runme4()
    s cnt=615210
    s st=$zh
    for i=1:1:cnt {
        s p=##class(digi.packet).%OpenId("packet||5237")
        w:p="" "not found",!
        k p
    w $zh-st,!

BUT the server is 6 times faster if OpenId replaced with simple read of a large global (s p=^someLargeGlobal). Any ideas what makes OpenId so slow only on the server?

    And another question: I wanted to profile the code with  %Monitor.System.LineByLine but it gives me statistics for my code only. Any chance to include the library code too?


      Some details:

      • The server is almost idle at the experiment time.
      • The database is exactly same.
      • Cache version is same (2017.2) but the server is Linux and dev pc is Windows.
      • digi.packet is a regular  %Persistent class with nothing special
      Discussion (27)5
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      We did some execution time measurements and had extremely high times in some nested calls compared between two machines. The calls were between some very big routines. The most extreme has its object code splitted to 46 ^rOBJ subnodes and has a total size of >1MB.

      You realize the difference only in very long loops (as in the sample above) and deep nested calls to big routines (BTW: classes are compiled to routines too).

      The measurements were made on a system with high load so the routine buffer was quickly invalidated by other processes.

      I hope this helps.

      The other commenters have good suggestions but I would recommend additionally collecting a pButtons to compare. Try and determine if there are any differences other than OS - hardware, memory configuration, global mappings, or anything else. We want to make sure we're comparing apples to apples! If everything seems to be the same, then you could reach out to the WRC who can help investigate this further.

      For sure there are tons of differences in the hardware! And the price is primary of them! The productions server cost is I guess like ten of my developing laptops. And this is one of the reasons I expect the server be fast :)

      Thanks. Yes, I'm now automatically collecting execution time every 15 mins to check the performance overnight when all the users are gone.

      Without reports suggested by other users there's not much I can tell you.

      What are global buffer sizes on prod/dev machines?

      Preheat global cache by looping over data global and compare the timings after that.

      List of utilities/reports that should help you:

      • pButtons – all info you  might need, open the ticket with WRC with this info.
      • mgstat –main metrics
      • PERFMON – get most used globals/routines
      • GLOSTAT – system metrics
      • %SYS.MONLBL – line by line code profiling
      • GLOBUFF – global buffer analysis

      Check this series of articles by @Murray Oldfield.

      This IDKEYOpen looks as capricious beast. Because of some reasons digi.packet has no such method. But its sibling class do have it although in lowercase:

      zidkeyOpen(K1,K2,concurrency=-1,sc) public { Set:'($data(sc)#2) sc=1
      Quit ..%OpenId(K1_"||"_K2,concurrency,.sc) }

      A few other classed  have IDKEYOpen in upper case:

      zIDKEYOpen(K1,concurrency=-1,sc) public { Set:'($data(sc)#2) sc=1
      Quit ..%OpenId(.K1,concurrency,.sc) }

      Looks as the compiler generates this method only in some cases. But why in lower case? Strange.

      What for the performance, the method looks as a very simple wrapper around %OpenId, so no much performance difference to expect.

      You are wondering about a SLOW production server and a FAST development machine?

      I show you, how to turn your machines (production or development or both) into  a SLOW and FAST systems  by using your own measurement method.

      ClassMethod Unclean()
         s p=##class(digi.packet).%OpenId("packet||5237")
         d ..runme4()
      ClassMethod Clean()
         d ..runme4()

      Login to either of your systems and try the abowe methods in a terminal session. On my local system (of course, with an own persistent class)  the one method is 12 times faster then the other.

      Maybe you have an "Unclean" situation on your development system...

      Also, sometime it is worth to put a line like

      do $system.OBJ.ShowObjects()

      as a first line into the runme4() method

      The %OpenId() method checks, if the object to be opened ALREADY open (in the current session/job). If it's open then it just returns with an success.  In other case, it loads it from the disk. 

      If on your development system, for whatever reason,  there is an open instance  then you save 6.1 million times the "load" operation.

      You wrote

      BUT the server is 6 times faster if OpenId replaced with simple read of a large global (s p=^someLargeGlobal). Any ideas what makes OpenId so slow only on the server?

      while not specifically answering your general question, note that opening an object is very different than 

      Set p=^SomeLargeGlobal.

      When you call %OpenId

      1. Concurrency is checked.  While not widely used there is a second parameter to the %OpenId method that controls the behavior of concurrency  and you may want to consider providing the desired concurrency option.  In the past if I was not concerned with concurrency as I just wanted to read data I would use option 0.
      2. Each and every property defined in your class is loaded into memory, ie the data is read from the global and then the individual properties are set accordingly.  Depending on how complex your class is the difference between 

      Set p=^SomeLargeGlobal 

      and %OpenId can be quite different, at least academically.

      If your class as relationships and/or serial/embedded classes I do not believe those properties are fully loaded into memory, but I could be incorrect.


      In practice, if I need an object I use objects, if I need only a small part of the object/row I'll use embedded SQL for better performance.

      Again this does not specifically answer your general question but I think it is useful to understand what %OpenId does and why it's not the same as 

      Set p=^SomeLargeGlobal.

      The difference between runs can be caused simply by normal variations in system load. The difference between Concurrency = 0 and Concurrency = 1 is only present when the object is stored in multiple global nodes. There are five possible values that are described in the %Library.Persistent class documentation (viewable through the SMP). Concurrency = 1 is referred to as "atomic read". For single node objects there is no extra work required for atomic read.