Hi community ,

i use postman for testing my request , i need to extract access token from it (i put it inside the "Get url" using post man before sending my request).

i use the GetAccessTokenFromRequest of (%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken) class , but in my rest code party , when i send request from post man , i can't extract my access token, it's empty.

can please give me help?

thank you

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0 320
· Jan 15, 2018
Access token storage

Hi community ,

i work actually on the access token generation method , i want know where the generated access token are saved ?

My [OAuth2.AccessToken] tabe is empty , it's logical?

thank's for helping .

Best regards

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0 815
· Dec 26, 2017
API resources acces

Hi community ,

i worked this last time on the access token generate method , now it's ok, i want use the received access token to have access for asking the resources server.

i found the [%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken] class which describes how add access token in the http request header , but i don't know how use it in my project.

Do me take only this class or the full package %SYS.OAuth2.

Thank you for helping .

0 1
0 500

Hi, community

i've a problem with my production , it works since two months ago , today i can't start it , i don't know where is the problem !!!!

I enclose here screenshots for my production configuration .


0 4
0 569
· Dec 5, 2017
Client description Oauth2

Hi community ,

i come back to you , i've a problem with Client description in Oauth2, when i tick the Supported grant types and i save , there are not registred on the OAuth2_Client.Metadata table .

can you tell me where is the problem please.

you will find attached a screenshot.


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0 538
· Nov 17, 2017
Token Generate Method

Hi community ,

i develop my LogUser Method on my rest API , the scenario is as follow :

when user enter his login & password , i check first in my table if he exists (this stape is done), now i want know how generate acces token from authorization server , i've as idea to call the "%OAuth2.Server.Generate" which is implemented on the configuration party (we find the correspondint attached screenshot ), but i don't know if i'm sure , we find here the developped method:

1 1
0 643
· Nov 14, 2017
type data interval

Hi communauty

I've two columns in my table and the type must be interval of integer values for example : age must be interval between [2 and 6] years and wigth between [10 and 30 ] Kg , how can i define them when creating my table?


0 3
0 258
· Nov 14, 2017
Claims values

Hi communauty

i work on the Oauth2 authentification patry in my application , i read a lot of documentation , but i don't know exactly what does it mean by Claims values and the method "SetClaimValue", what does it do really?

can anyone explain for me.


0 1
0 259

Hi, team

i configure my authorization server and client and i want define access rights for different users , how can i do it?

knowing that we have our own database with different users ID and access privilege ?

is there any one who can help us? thank's

0 1
0 282
· Oct 30, 2017
Oauth 2.0 framework

Hi Team

i want to implement an Oauth 2.0 framework in my application , i define my connexion IHM, i want to check if the login and password are right when a user connect

do you've any idea ?


0 2
0 543

Hi World

I've a problem when in extract a float value from my database

the problem is that i get an interger instead of float.

my record is 2,56 but when i do a select , the request extract only 2

can you have a solution for it.

thank you

0 4
0 293
· Oct 6, 2017
sending mail alert

Hi world, i work on my business process and i meet a problem:

i want to send mail alert to the patient when he misses take his temperature measure

in the method for checking if the measure is missed or no , i want to integrate my code wich allows me to trig an alert an send a mail reminder to the patient .

Do you have any idea how doing it .


0 1
0 516

Hi , i have a JSON record as follow {value1,value2, value3}

i want to write my switch statement in this form:

<switch> my value
<case> value1</case>

is there any possibility to extract values from JSON record and put them in a switch statement?


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0 2.4K