your CASE statement  is wrong in multiple ways:
and doesn't work in ENSEMBLE /Caché either

  1. double quotes " mark column names, strings require single quotes '
  2. !=""  is an Objectscript construct
  3. you have to write NOT IS NULL instead 
select CASE WHEN StarterKitName NOT IS NULL THEN ....

See also example in ENS/Caché  docu : 

As you now explained what you really are looking for:   $System.SQL.Schema.SetDefault()

From Docu:

classmethod SetDefault(schema As %Library.String = "", ByRef oldval As %Library.String, Namespace As %Library.Boolean = 0) as %Library.Status

Sets the default schema used by SQL.
This configuration setting provides the ability to define a default schema name other than SQLUser, the default. When an unqualified table name is encountered in an SQL statement (and there is no #import statement specified), the default schema will be used. This setting has nothing to do with the mappings between SQL schema names and the class package name, it only specifies the default schema. Parameter:

String containing the default SQL schema name. If schema is "" or not defined, the default schema will be set to SQLUser.
Passed By Reference. Contains the previous value of the setting.
Boolean 1/0 flag. If TRUE, set the default schema for the current namespace only. The default for Namespace is FALSE


Status Code


- You must have the "USE" permission on the %Admin Manage Resource in order to change this configuration setting.
- Changing this configuration setting will affect all processes immediately.

Hi @Michael Davidovich !
you hit exactly what I addressed in in my recent article
  The bewitched line terminator

As long as you get (text-) files from your own OS the default is OK
BUT: if you work cross OS platforms - rather likely for CSP pages -
the approach of  
%CSP.BinaryStream is the best for import.

For output stream you have to decide based on the expected target OS.

My personal trigger to that subject was file transfer between
WIN as Docker host and a Container (Ubuntu) causing a lot of  confusion until detected.

you describe 2 different record layouts that reside within the same storage 
#1 - just a name
#2 - a name + a "transferred" property

depending on the situation you use either layout #1  or layout #2 for INSERT
reading might be OK for layout #2 in both cases.

Caché once had a somewhat similar sample with Person
and Employee extending Person. 
available here:
this Repo:

Hi @Daniel Aguilar 
for every DB you have a default collation that is tied to DB:
you can see it in SMP  System > Configuration > Local Databases > Database Properties

this is the standard.
If the collation of your source server is Spanish, German, Fench, , .... 
the DB may have used this national collation as default.

On your target serve you need to have this collation to be installed.
in SMP  System > Configuration > Locale Definitions you see what is installed on your Caché instance

You may need to add the missing collation table to your Caché instance: