@Alexey Nechaev 
In my trial  file  SSLDefs.ini was placed into 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InterSystems\IRIS\ 
whích required admin access rights
I also gave Full Access to Everyone for the file (to avoid conflicts with 👿 MS security)

in addition also my ip address was NUMERIC to match DSN
so your's should look like this

[My CloudSQL Server] 

not really since as you know there is always ObjectScript under most SQL Functions.
BUT as mentioned: I found TO_VECTOR()  the most comfortable one.
without SQL it might look like this:  or worse

;; assume a $LB structure of %Integer as input
set intlist=$LB(...........)
;; fill vector
set maxvecsize=22    ; just an assumption
 for i=1:1:maxvecsize {
  set val=$li(intlist,i)
  if '(val\1=val)  continue
  set $vector(vec,i,"int")=val
write $isvector(vec)
write vec
zwrite vec

I think the difference is obvious.


Hallo @Ditmar Tybussek  lange nix mehr gehört von dir !

See my article Using VECTORs in ObjectScript.

related to your code: 
Simple Set vector=.... doesn't work
it is       Set $VECTOR(vectorname,  pos,type)   very clear example
and type can never be changed 
position is less sensitive. 

In your case using SQL functíon TO_VECTOR() might be quite comfortable
as it does all the checks for you under cover.
i also used all-MiniLM-L6-v2 (as PY method) starting from  label sc3 in the example
in my OEX package Vector-inside-IRIS

LG. aus Wien


a personal hint:

  • be as precise in your question as possible.

example (with shortened replies)
- how to run IRIS ODBC client install in a fresh container ?   >> use IRIS container as base  😕
- how to run IRIS ODBC client install in a NOT IRIS based container ? >> No idea, ask developer community 🤒
- how to connect to Cloud SQL from Apache Superset osing ODBC and TLS/SSL ?
>>> what I really has in mind.  (found it by accident)  
Reply is quite detailed It's the example from the announcement above  I'll try

minor simplification:
inserting my 77 char server address into the15 char Server-IP of Windows DSN caused me repeating problems.

A real pain to verify
So I translated it to a real IP address using nslookup

SAMPLES>$nslookup k8s-45090081-a9b5a485-233c4dadf5-46cc35674de4c26d.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
;  . . . .
Name:    k8s-45090081-a9b5a485-233c4dadf5-46cc35674de4c26d.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
was working excellent and easy to check and to work with

in docker-compose.yml


command: --key /dur/key/iris.key


command: --key /dur/key/iris.key -b "sleep 2000" 

so the container starts but IRIS is not started
2000 is just some hang for your investigation (2000 sec)

in a 2nd session run

docker-compose exec iris bash

and start IRIS manually to see all details of what might be wrong