Question Thomas Haig · Feb 4 Process multiple messages by increasing pool size while maintaining order with keys At the moment we're creating multiple BPLs are using a router (or another BPL) to direct to these based on a unique key modulo the amount of BPLs available, e.g. if we have 3 BPLs created.Message key = 1 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL02Message key = 2 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL03Message key = 3 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL01FIFO only matters in that each messages for each key is processed in order. #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 7 0 88
Question Thomas Haig · Aug 20, 2024 Using Parameters in RuleDefinition I've been trying unsuccessfully to use a parameter function within a routing rule. I can see the function %GetParameter available in the WYSIWIG rule editor, but I cannot seem to get the inputs for it correct, e.g. Which gives the error I have also tried unsuccessfully in code #Business Rules #ObjectScript #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Health Connect 0 4 1 121
Question Thomas Haig · Jul 3, 2024 Testing XML input to Router Management Portal or via XML document viewer Trying to test a router that takes an XML input and performs a transform on it.First attempt I tried to test the transform using the XML Document Viewer via the Ensemble -> Interoperate -> XML Document Viewer menu. The transform itself is working however I can not get the output to save to a file. I've made sure permissions are set correctly on the file. It simply doesn't output anything and I'm at a loss as to why. #Management Portal #Testing #XML #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 76
Question Thomas Haig · Apr 10, 2024 VSCode Intellisense not providing expected Class definition snippets Have successfully installed the Intersystems ObjectScript Extension Pack (version last updated 2024-03-26) in VS Code version 1.88 and when creating a new Class (in a New File of type ObjectScript-class) I am presented only with the following snippets: #Code Snippet #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS for Health #VSCode 0 1 0 127