"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi"?

I’ve hit the wall. I’m a one person shop who wants to start developing Cache on a mac using Eclipse/Atelier, after using Studio for the last 5 years. I’ve installed the 1.1 beta plugin, watched 6 or 7 videos from the September conference, tried several times to work through the cheat sheets, only to have connection issues or compilation issues, so at this point, I’m feeling very frustrated. The videos were interesting, but generally didn’t work as tutorials for fundamental programming operations, for me.

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I installed the Cache client along with Atelier on my mac.

My question is:

How do I access the Management Portal on a mac?

My Atelier stand-alone app allows me to use the Cache instance, but how do I get to the Management Portal to set up security and create new namespaces, etc.?

Also, where to I check to see when Cache is actually running?


Bob Harris

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