there is a setting in VSCode "objectscript.export: {noStorage: ture} " allow export cls from server to client, without storage definition.

However, wheneven I complied and save cls in my vscode client, the storage definition was added back. If I don't want it, I have to deleted the part manually.

Does anyone have something to teach me? thank you

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a customer engineer asked me how to use Http basic authentication on a Ensemble SOAP service. Anyone has done this before?

When secure SOAP service from Web Application setting, by select "password" for "Allowed Authentication Methods", it expected WSS, username and password in SOAP head. The customer hospital would like to add user authentication on sopa service, but SOAP client team prefer to add it on http header, instead of on SOAP header.

Also, I am very confused with adding password on URL for SOAP service, like

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I asked the question in email and get answers from those colleagus.


I failed to change time zone on latest iris container(Ubuntu), because:

  • I am irisowner, no root password

  • There is no sudo command

I used to use below Dockfile setting to change time zone while creating a new docker image. However, those commands doesn’t work from non-root user.

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I believe most of you have encounted this problem: a healthconnect/ensemble user get a slow response and ask measurement on how long it takes ensmeble to process this request, the ensemble 'activity data' gives no clue of the delay.

The reason is HealthConnect message measurement was based on ensemble message, which can’t give a correct answer on when ensmeble recevie the request and what time it send back response. when there is delay on inbound/outbound adpter, or csp gateway, there is no way to find out the delay from "activity data" .

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With ^%SYSMONMGR, there are some brunches that I never found a way to quit out, like shows as the following example: do ^%SYSMONMGR --> Manage Health Monitor --> View Alert Records ...

Does anyone know the answer? thank you very much.

1) Start/Stop System Monitor
2) Set System Monitor Options
3) Configure System Monitor Classes
4) View System Monitor State
5) Manage Application Monitor
6) Manage Health Monitor
7) View System Data
8) Exit

Option? 6

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