· Jan 4, 2020

How to quit ^%SYSMONMGR in some case?

With ^%SYSMONMGR, there are some brunches that I never found a way to quit out, like shows as the following example: do ^%SYSMONMGR --> Manage Health Monitor --> View Alert Records ...

Does anyone know the answer? thank you very much.

1) Start/Stop System Monitor
2) Set System Monitor Options
3) Configure System Monitor Classes
4) View System Monitor State
5) Manage Application Monitor
6) Manage Health Monitor
7) View System Data
8) Exit

Option? 6

1) Enable/Disable Health Monitor
2) View Alerts Records
3) Configure Health Monitor Classes
4) Set Health Monitor Options
5) Exit

Option? 2
Sensor (=All)? * =>
Beginning date and time? Beginning =>
Ending date and time date? Now =>
Number of records to display? 20 =>
No matching records found
Sensor (
=All)? * =>
Beginning date and time? Beginning =>
Ending date and time date? Now =>

Discussion (6)1
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