I'm after some more in-depth information about how the embedded python is implemented with regards to how it works when a python method is called from a CSP page. Will it run in the same Windows process? Will there be any issues with multitasking (considering python doesn't seem very good at this)?

Also, is there a performance penalty to pay for running embedded python vs "using IRIS APIs from Python".

Another question is what python interpreter the embedded python is using? Is it an Intersystems one or the regular c.python? Version?

Excited to go Python!

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There seems to be a problem with the sync/save. If I open a CSP file, add a CRLF to end of it and save the file I get a sync conflict. This can't be right.

To make matters worse I can then select to the local version and will then end up in an infinite loop where the CSP import/compiler keeps adding more and more CRLFs to the file.

You can see an example here: https://youtu.be/EY-_FA-kOpI

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Is it just me or is the sync mechanism way too slow and too trigger happy to be used for large projects? It keeps "Caching for server connection" which takes a good five minutes!

Has it been tested with a large number of classes and CPSs? I have about 2000 of each.

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So I installed Atelier, created my project, imported and compiled all my classes but now I need to import all my CSP files too but I can't find any instructions on how to do so. Just copying the files into [project]\CSp\csp is not working as they don't show up in the project tree.

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