Announcement Renan Lourenco · May 15, 2023 Sign-up for Health Data De-Identifier Early Access Program Health Data De-Identifier is available through InterSystems' Early Access Program as a way to give you a sneak peek of what we are working on. This document will walk you through how to sign up. To know more: Health Data De-ID Early Access Program #Early Access Program (EAP) #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 0 390
Announcement Renan Lourenco · Feb 28, 2023 Health Data De-ID Early Access Program We are excited to announce the newest addition to our early access program - the Health Data De-ID tool. #Early Access Program (EAP) #Health Connect #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 6 1 0 839
Article Renan Lourenco · Nov 18, 2022 1m read Jupyter and IRIS - The Simple Version There are several great articles in the community showing how to use Jupyter and InterSystems IRIS together, and I encourage you to check them out in the link at the end of this article for more in depth understanding. This is just another one, the difference is on the simplicity. Do you want to just start a container where Jupyter is already connected to an IRIS instance? Then this is for you! #Docker #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 2 0 678
Article Renan Lourenco · Jan 12, 2021 2m read CSV Anonymizer Powered by InterSystems IRIS® Tiny web application that allows you to anonymize CSV files. Based on InterSystems IRIS® Version: store/intersystems/iris-community:2020. Application Sample CSV where Date of Birth and Sex will remain untouched, while the rest should be anonymized. The application recognizes the header columns and allows the user to chose which ones to ignore. #CSV #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 0 0 303
Article Renan Lourenco · Mar 9, 2020 2m read InterSystems IRIS for Health ENSDEMO (supports arm64) InterSystems IRIS for Health ENSDEMO Yet another basic setup of ENSDEMO content into InterSystems IRIS for Health. Make sure you have Docker up and running before starting. Setup Clone the repository to your desired directory git clone Once the repository is cloned, execute: Always make sure you are inside the main directory to execute docker-compose commands. #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 5 14 0 535