In the absence of an Intersystems' prescribed method I would set up a global variable with extra information on each namespace, e.g.



The global variable with % at the start means it can be seen from all namespaces. You can add whatever information you like to it like the difference between production and non-prod etc.

Shaved down to 174. A dubious $Find-2 to get first string length. Changed a condition in the $Select from p<c&(r<3) to r<3*c>p

ClassMethod Type(a...) As %String
 j=$i(r):1:a{w=$tr(a(j)," "),p=$f(w,",")-2 i=2:1:$l(w,",") c=$l($p(w,",",i)),r=$s(p=c:r,r<3*c>p:2,r#2:3,1:4),p=c$p("Constant7Increasing7Decreasing7Unsorted",7,r)
also fits in @Robert Barbiaux attempt

ClassMethod Type(a...) As %String
 i=$i(r):1:$g(a){j=1:1:$l(a(i),","){l=$l($tr($p(a(i),",",j)," ")),c=$g(c,l),r=$s(l=c:r,r<3*l>c:2,r#2:3,1:4),c=lc$p("Constant1Increasing1Decreasing1Unsorted",1,r)

ClassMethod Type(args...) As %String
 // no attempt made at miniturizing the code, 362 chars not including comments
 i=1:1 {
  q:'$d(args(i)) w=$tr(args(i)," ")
  p=2:1:$l(w,",") {
   s d=$s(a>b:1,a<b:-1,1:0)
   d>0 res=$case(res,"Constant":"Increasing","Increasing":"Increasing",:"Unsorted")
   d<0 res=$case(res,"Constant":"Decreasing","Decreasing":"Decreasing",:"Unsorted")

You need an interactive user's system to run this without any user interaction?

If it doesn't matter who runs it and it doesn't take any serious resources and could run unnoticed then could you set a global that is checked by some code that is regularly run by a group of users? The first interactive process that finds the global could do your $ZF for you? Say SET ^GLOBAL("RUN NOTEPAD")=$H

Then in the common piece of code L +^GLOBAL("RUN NOTEPAD"):0 I $T {S:$D(^GLOBAL("RUN NOTEPAD")) X=$ZF(-1,"C:\Windows\notepad.exe") K ^GLOBAL("RUN NOTEPAD") L -K ^GLOBAL("RUN NOTEPAD")}

Otherwise I think you need to fix the destination program so it will run in the background.

Thanks Vitaliy! That is just what I was looking for!

I suppose that underneath the code, deep down in Quote^%qcr, it may be doing the same as I'm doing, but it is unlikely to have any errors in it and it's not a wild assumption that it will do it in the most efficient way.

Alas, the few version 5 sites will have to live with my slower code

%SYS>w $zv
Cache for UNIX (IBM PowerPC/32-bit) 5.0.18 (Build 6103 + Adhoc 3626) Tue Mar 7 2006 11:55:33 EST
%SYS>W $zcvt(##CLASS(%Library.Utility).FormatString($lb("abc","DEF","",,"tesT",$lb(0))),"u")

W $ZCVT(##CLASS(%Library.Utility).FormatString($LB("abc","DEF","",,"tesT",$LB(0)
%SYS>W $zcvt(##CLASS(%Utility).FormatString($lb("abc","DEF","",,"tesT",$lb(0))),"u")

W $ZCVT(##CLASS(%Utility).FormatString($LB("abc","DEF","",,"tesT",$LB(0))),"u")

That's a really good idea. Doesn't quite get there because of nested lists.

Here is a bit more visual info on the problem:

>s x=$LB("test","for","searching unknown strings here is a very long piece with enough characters to get a lowercase alpha as a $list marker","items","in","lists",$lb("/subs","/values","nested list","did you see that ""w"" before the third piece?"))

>f i=1:1:$l(x) s c=$e(x,i) w:c?1c "$c("_$a(c)_")" w:c'?1c c

$c(6)$c(1)test$c(5)$c(1)forw$c(1)searching unknown strings here is a very long piece with enough characters to get a lowercase alpha as a $list marker$c(7)$c(1)items$c(4)$c(1)in$c(7)$c(1)listsM$c(1)$c(7)$c(1)/subs$c(9)$c(1)/values$c(13)$c(1)nested list.$c(1)did you see that "w" before the third piece?

It's those potential lowercase list separators that are forcing me to go the long way round with stepping through each piece. $ListToString may help speed the code up especially as I'm not really expecting deep nesting of lists.

Thanks Dmitry

I want to find any string in another string that could be a plain string, a $LIST, or a series of nested $LIST to any depth - basically an unkown structure. The string I'm searching in can be any size and the pieces can be any size. And I wan't to do a case insensitive search through a large amount of data and I want instant results. And I want to know the character positions of what was found. And I want the results in a human readable format. And just to make it hard, it has to run on everything from Caché version 5 upwards which means $LISTNEXT, $LISTVALID are not always available.