go to post Stuart Strickland · May 13, 2022 Ah, you are correct. My test cases for a fail were of differing lengths. Doh! What is needed is a simple command to sort the letters into a consistent order before comparison.
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 13, 2022 I think you should have kept going Alexey. I was trying to ignore this page but it can be addictive. With a little tweak the $TRANSLATE works AND solves the problem in 64 characters and takes the lead. ClassMethod Detector(a As %String, b As %String) As %Boolean{ s a=$zu(28,a,6),b=$zu(28,b,6) q $l($tr(a,b,a))=$l($tr(b,a,b))}
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 12, 2022 Don't know why I didn't think of this earlier - perhaps it's been a long time since we were forced to minimize characters when writing code. Here's a version that only uses 65. ClassMethod Detector3(a As %String, b As %String) As %Boolean{ f i=91:-1:0{q:$$r(a)-$$r(b)} q 'ir(x)q $l($zu(28,x,6),$c(i))}
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 12, 2022 I should pay more attention to the $$$MACROs in future! $ZU(28 is great, it's a shame that Intersystems don't document enough $ZU functions? The FOR loops that range from 0 to 90/91 don't work with anagrams that contain different numbers of spaces because i=32 checks spaces. E.g. w ##class(CodeGolf.Anagram).Detector("New York Times","monkeys write") Ah! I stand corrected. Just read %SYSTEM.Util ALPHAUP removes spaces!
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 12, 2022 Here is the code for a 69 character answer /// 73 characters:/// f x=a,b{f i=65:1:90{s $li(x(x),i)=$l($zcvt(x,"u"),$c(i))}} q x(a)=x(b)/// /// but this one is 69:/// /// loop ascii number from "A" to "Z" and "[", that's 65 to 91/// if count of each letter in each string is different then quit loop/// if loop reached 91 then loop completed and letter counts must be same in both strings/// if loop didn't reach 91 then must be counts must be differentClassMethod Detector(a As %String, b As %String) As %Boolean{ f i=65:1:91{q:$$r(a)'=$$r(b)} q i=91r(x)q $l($zcvt(x,"u"),$c(i))}
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 11, 2022 Hi Julius, you may have missed this note in the challenge: Both arguments are case insensitive, only a-z, A-Z, no special characters except whitespace
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 11, 2022 I thought up some slightly different logic and have got it in 69. It's also more efficient.
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 11, 2022 Also got down to 73. Can't get to 72. Changing $LIST to $EXTRACT is shorter but doesn't always work. Changing FOR loop to start from a single digit doesn't work because it would count space characters when it reaches 32. f x=a,b{f i=65:1:90{s $li(x(x),i)=$l($zcvt(x,"u"),$c(i))}} q x(a)=x(b)
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 11, 2022 Good work. I didn't know you could omit the space after the closing bracket on the line tag arguments. Also didn't think using curly braces would save anything in this case but it looks like a new line counts as 2 characters with the code length calculator. (And I think you may be waiting a long time for the Encoder game to close)
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 10, 2022 Is there a little arrow below my 76 characters that will show my code when you click it? I can't see one under your 73 characters.
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 10, 2022 You could save another character by using $Extract instead of $List but that won't work if there are more than 8 of the same letter in the anagram.
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 10, 2022 How about 76 characters? /// use $Length to count the occurrences of each letter! /// store the counts in a list where the piece number is the ascii letter number /// compare the lists for each word/phraseClassMethod Detector(a As %String, b As %String) As %Boolean{q $$r(a)=$$r(b)r(x) f i=65:1:90 s $li(y,i)=$l($zcvt(x,"u"),$c(i)) q y}
go to post Stuart Strickland · May 4, 2022 /// using first string replace with null each 'same' character found in second string leaving null or spacesClassMethod Detector(a As %String, b As %String) As %Boolean{q $$r(a,b)_$$r(b,a)?." "r(x,y) f s x=$replace(x,$e(y),"",,1,1),$e(y)="" ret:y="" x}/// 88 chars
go to post Stuart Strickland · Apr 8, 2022 I'm a fan of beyond compare but it is not always available on some of the sites I log in to. I'm not a fan of RCMP. I've got a Diff program that works in a terminal session that I use when I log on to a Cache version 5 site. Feel free to take this and do what you want with it (.MAC routines can be found on ^rMAC): Code ZRDIFF(Master="",Minor="",N1="",N2="",Show=1,Debug=0,Diffs=0,LengthWidth="40;160",UDL=0) ; Poor man's side by side diff ; Knocked up to run a quick diff on an old Caché version 5 system where my nice diff program won't work ; Usage: ; Pass in 1st routine (arg1 is Master) to compare against itself (in another namespace) or against 2nd routine (arg2 is Minor) ; N1 and N2 are optional namespaces ; Alternatively, pass in a pair of arrays to compare in Master and Minor but ensure top node is populated with something. ; To compare classes use ##class(%Compiler.UDL.TextServices).GetTextAsArray(,ClassName,.Array) and do your own thing. ; Call it like $$^ZRDIFF(Routine1,Routine2,Namespace1,Namespace2,0,0,.Diffs) to get it to return a non-zero number indicating there's a difference ; Make Routine1 and Routine2 variables and pass by reference to get back the 2 routines as arrays ; The lines of code that are the same will be lined up ; Show=1 to display to terminal ; ScreenLength and width can be passed in if your terminal doesn't go to 160 columns. ; Pass in "24;80" if you like, it will work. ; Pass in "24;9999" if you are going to use the arrays and pass them to something else that looks after formatting ; I Master="" Q:$Q "99No routine supplied" Q I Minor="" M Minor=Master ; ; To compare across namespaces populate N1 and N2 with a valid namespace ; default is current namespace I N1="" S N1=$ZNSPACE I N2="" S N2=$ZNSPACE ; ; Written to run on a putty terminal so screen handling is a bit noddy ; Don't like the screen handling? You change it. ; Look for InverseOn and InverseOff as they are the variables used for highlighting differences ; THIS IS FOR A VT100 EMULATION I Show W $C(27)_"[8;"_LengthWidth_"t" ; screen length(40) and width(160) N HalfWidth,I,L,Left,R,Right,MASTER,MINOR,MI,RA,RB,R1,R2 S HalfWidth=$P(LengthWidth,";",2)\2 ; ; Plan: ; Get 2 routines and normalise each line of code into 2 arrays so that ; all tab characters converted to spaces ; start of line is spaced out to 9 spaces (allows an 8 char tag), longer tags left alone ; Decide which of the two routines has more lines (left or right) ; Use the larger routine as the master routine ; Find all the lines of code in the minor routine that are identical to master and align them to the master ; but don't change the order of the lines, expand the arrays instead so that the similar lines match up ; Then lines broken into 78 character chunks so that the compare can be done side by side on a 160 wide screen ; S RA=Master,RB=Minor M R1=Master,R2=Minor ; Obvsiously, not doing this if you passed in a pair of arrays I $D(R1)<10 K R1 M R1=^[N1]ROUTINE(RA,0) I $D(R2)<19 K R2 M R2=^[N2]ROUTINE(RB,0) I '$G(R1(0)) S R1(0)=$O(R1(""),-1) ; number of lines in routine I '$G(R2(0)) S R2(0)=$O(R2(""),-1) ; ; UDL means you passed in a class or two in UDL format so don't bother normalising it's already done ; If they are not, then don't pass UDL=1 ! I 'UDL { D Normalise(.R1) D Normalise(.R2) } I R2(0)>R1(0) { S MASTER="R2",MINOR="R1" D Compare(.R2,.R1) } Else { S MASTER="R1",MINOR="R2" D Compare(.R1,.R2) } ; Getting the odd occurence where a pair of lines shows up next to each other claiming to be different when they are not ; Happens when ^ROUTINE has a missing line in the middle! ; so align them again S I=0 F { S I=$O(Master(I)) q:'I I Master(I)'="",$G(Minor(I))="" { ; they are the same I $G(Master(I-1))="",$G(Minor(I-1))=Master(I) S Minor(I)=Minor(I-1) K Master(I-1),Minor(I-1) continue I $G(Master(I+1))="",$G(Minor(I+1))=Master(I) S Minor(I)=Minor(I+1) K Master(I+1),Minor(I+1) continue } } I Show { S MI=0 W #!,$S(MASTER="R1":$$LJ($$LJ(N1,15)_RA,HalfWidth)_$$LJ(N2,15)_RB,1:$$LJ($$LJ(N2,15)_RB,HalfWidth)_$$LJ(N1,15)_RA) F { S MI=$O(Master(MI)) Q:'MI S Left=$S(MASTER="R1":Master(MI),1:Minor(MI)) S Right=$S(MASTER="R2":Master(MI),1:Minor(MI)) I Left'=Right,$I(Diffs) S Diffs(MI)="" ; lines where something is different ; Convert routine into lines less than 80 characters long F { S L=$E(Left,1,HalfWidth-2) S Left=$E(Left,HalfWidth-1,9999) S R=$E(Right,1,HalfWidth-2) S Right=$E(Right,HalfWidth-1,9999) D Show(L,R) q:Left_Right="" } } } ; Just in case you passed in arrays by reference and are expecting the left and right hand routines to come back to you... K Left,Right I MASTER="R1" { ; don't need to do anything - already the right way round } Else { M Left=Master,Right=Minor K Master,Minor M Master=Left,Minor=Right } S Master=RA,Minor=RB q:$Q Diffs q ; Normalise(ROU) N i,I,Line,N S i=0 F I=1:1:ROU(0) { S Line=$G(ROU(I)) ; need the $G because some old systems have missing lines of code! Don't ask me. ; swap tabs for spaces S Line=$TR(Line,$c(9)," ") ; if first character is a " " make it 9 spaces I $E(Line)=" " S $E(Line)=" " ; or if it's a tag with no arguments, pad it out to 9 spaces I $P(Line," ")?1(1"%",1AN).AN { S $P(Line," ")=$$LJ($P(Line," "),9) } // or if it has arguments and is (reasonable guess) less than 8 characters, pad out to 9 spaces, could fail if default values for arguments include spaces or braces ElseIf $L($P(Line,")"))<8,$P(Line," ")?1(1"%",1AN).AN1"(".e1") " { S $P(Line," ")=$$LJ($P(Line," "),9) } // leave everything else alone ; S N($i(i))=Line } ; Now the noralised routine is in N() move it to R1() or R2() S N(0)=ROU(0) K ROU M ROU=N Q R1LinesUpLater(I,i) ; parameter passed by value so will return to orignal value on quit N OK S OK=0 F { S I=$O(ROU1(I)) q:'I F { S i=$o(ROU2(i)) Q:'i ; NON-NUMERIC CATCHES THINGS LIKE "LANG" ; 2 consecutive lines the same will have to do I ROU1(I)=ROU2(i) { I ($G(ROU1(I+1))=$G(ROU2(i+1))) S OK=1 Q } } Q:OK!'i } Q OK R2LinesUpLater(I,i) ; parameter passed by value so will return to orignal value on quit N OK S OK=0 F { S i=$O(ROU2(i)) q:'i F { S I=$o(ROU1(I)) Q:'I ; NON-NUMERIC CATCHES THINGS LIKE "LANG" ; 2 consecutive lines the same will have to do I ROU1(I)=ROU2(i) { I ($G(ROU1(I+1))=$G(ROU2(i+1))) S OK=1 Q } } Q:OK!'I } Q OK ; left justify LJ(x,n) q x_$j("",n-$l(x)) ; Part(x,ION,IOFF) w:x'="" ION w x w:x'="" IOFF q "" Show(Left,Right) ; show the current row and also highlight when different N InverseOn,InverseOff S InverseOn=$s(Left=Right:"",1:$c(27,91)_"7m") S InverseOff=$s(Left=Right:"",1:$c(27,91)_"27m") W ! W $$Part(Left,InverseOn,InverseOff) W ?HalfWidth W $$Part(Right,InverseOn,InverseOff) q ; Compare(ROU1,ROU2) N I,i S (I,i,MI)=0 F { S I=$O(ROU1(I),1,L) Q:'I ; NON-NUMERIC CATCHES THINGS LIKE "LANG" F { S i=$o(ROU2(i),1,R) Q:'i ; NON-NUMERIC CATCHES THINGS LIKE "LANG" ; 2 consecutive lines the same will have to do I ROU1(I)=ROU2(i) { ; this works for the first line and last line I ($G(ROU1(I+1))=$G(ROU2(i+1))) || (I=i) || $$R1LinesUpLater(I,i+1) || $$R2LinesUpLater(I+1,i) { ; move to a new array and make them line up S MI=MI+1 S Master(MI)=ROU1(I),Minor(MI)=ROU2(i) D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) Q ; go get next ROU1(I) } ; still here? ; Then 2 lines the same but next lines are not and ROU1(I+1) doesn't have a matching line later in ROU2(i+1 onwards) ; Move ROU1(I+1) to Master and increment I S MI=MI+1 S Master(MI)=ROU1(I),Minor(MI)=ROU2(i) D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) q ;S MI=MI+1,I=I+1,i=i-1 ; was nearly working but Quit works better I I'>ROU1(0) { S Master(MI)=ROU1(I),Minor(MI)="" D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) } Q } ; got here then they are different ; if they line up later then show the line from ROU2 now I $$R1LinesUpLater(I,i+1) { S MI=MI+1 S Master(MI)="",Minor(MI)=ROU2(i) D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) Q ; go get next ROU1(I) } ; if they line up later then show the line from ROU1 now I $$R2LinesUpLater(I,i-1) { S MI=MI+1,i=i-1 S Master(MI)=ROU1(I),Minor(MI)="" D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) Q ; go get next ROU1(I) } ; Still here? ; Then 2 different lines, show them both S MI=MI+1 S Master(MI)=ROU1(I),Minor(MI)="" D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) S MI=MI+1 S Master(MI)="",Minor(MI)=ROU2(i) D:$g(Debug) Show(Master(MI),Minor(MI)) Q } } q ; TEST k S r1="GT101",r2="GT101" D ZRDIFF(.r1,.r2,"APEX","TAPEX",1,0,.Diffs) Q
go to post Stuart Strickland · Mar 4, 2022 Impressive Robert! I'd never heard of proleptic calendars before. If I don't communicate again soon, happy new year in 28 days time.
go to post Stuart Strickland · Mar 4, 2022 Nice article. Didn't know the easy way round negative dates. But how does it handle the English calendar riots of 1752 when we went from September 2nd to September 14th overnight? It returns a value of -32438 for September 3rd 1752 which didn't exist in England which is where I am now. Someone needs to fix this quickly!
go to post Stuart Strickland · Feb 2, 2022 Add's to GJ's effort and counts how many occurrences of the odd integer to be able to return exact answer (not a $ZABS answer).
go to post Stuart Strickland · Feb 2, 2022 ClassMethod Solve(o As %String) As %Integer { s i=$l(o,","),j=$l(o,"-")-1,k=i-j-j s:k<0 k=k-j-j s m=$tr(o,",","+")_"/"_k q @m }
go to post Stuart Strickland · Dec 1, 2021 Thanks Robert. I guess that by now all the points worth gaining are gone so it won't hurt to post this. Is this the sort of answer that is being looked for? (Rename classname to Day1?, Entry point should be ClassMethod Test()?)