I should pay more attention to the $$$MACROs in future!

$ZU(28 is great, it's a shame that Intersystems don't document enough $ZU functions?

The FOR loops that range from 0 to 90/91 don't work with anagrams that contain different numbers of spaces because i=32 checks spaces. E.g. w ##class(CodeGolf.Anagram).Detector("New York Times","monkeys write")

Ah! I stand corrected. Just read %SYSTEM.Util  ALPHAUP removes spaces!

Here is the code for a 69 character answer

/// 73 characters:
/// f x=a,b{f i=65:1:90{s $li(x(x),i)=$l($zcvt(x,"u"),$c(i))}} q x(a)=x(b)
/// but this one is 69:
/// loop ascii number from "A" to "Z" and "[", that's 65 to 91
/// if count of each letter in each string is different then quit loop
/// if loop reached 91 then loop completed and letter counts must be same in both strings
/// if loop didn't reach 91 then must be counts must be different
ClassMethod Detector(As %String, As %String) As %Boolean

I'm a fan of beyond compare but it is not always available on some of the sites I log in to. I'm not a fan of RCMP. I've got a Diff program that works in a terminal session that I use when I log on to a Cache version 5 site. Feel free to take this and do what you want with it (.MAC routines can be found on ^rMAC):
