· Jul 13, 2023
$zu(96,9) Not working

Suppose you have routine ^A loaded in your partition in programmer mode and you call routine ^B. Routine ^B finds the value of $ZU(96,9) which should be the calling routine.

But $ZU(96,9) now returns null, as does $SYSTEM.Process.CallingRoutine()

Works on 2018.1.7 but not 2018.1.8

$ROLES= %All on both systems

More precisely I have line label ZZPP in ^%ZLANGC00 which needs to identify the original routine in the partition and do some work on it. When I type ZZPP I get nothing on the later version. Here's the line of code:

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· May 5, 2023
ZLANGC0* functionality


I use ZLANGC00 and ZLANGC01 for shortcuts at programmer level to some frequently used dev tools. Is there a way to pass 2 arguments to a command?


ZZQD "Queue1" // Equivalent to D ZZQD^%ZZLANGC00("Queue1") to display messages in queue1 (ZZQD is my own code in %ZZLANGC00)

but if I wanted to type ZZQD "Queue1" $H-3 to call ZZQD^%ZLANGC00("Queue1",$H-3) can it be done or do I need to write something to manipulate the argument? So ZZQD "Queue1-3"

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· Sep 9, 2021

This function is supposed to tell me that argument 1 is a valid variable name or not.

Doesn't work with an array variable, eg W $ZNAME("WLCOM(I)",0).

Not a question, just a whinge really.....

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