Discussion Scott Roth · Apr 1, 2024 Easiest way to pull external information into IRIS?? I am currently adding a field to our Existing messaging from Epic, however there might be a possibility I need to back load data into the Ancillary system. While I have the previous messages that can be sent, they do not have this additional field that I am adding to the message. I can do a lookup against Epic Clarity SQL Database; however, I don't want to throw a wrench into the workflow if the system cannot connect to the Epic Clarity SQL Database. #Databases #JDBC #SQL #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 3 0 197
Discussion Scott Roth · Nov 28, 2023 Monitoring Platforms With System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) being deprecated in the near future.. What is everyone's go-to for Monitoring IRIS? What is readily available? What is the cost surrounding it? Just trying to get ideas floating around of what we might need to start looking at to satisfy IT leadership. Thanks Scott #Monitoring #System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 10 0 419
Discussion Scott Roth · Oct 12, 2023 Private Web Server Architecture Suggestions?? I am trying to move us to Securing the Management Portal using Apache and the Web Gateway. Our Development environment/namespace only has 1 server, but both Test and Production have failover/DR mirroring containing 3 servers for Test, and 3 additional servers for Production. #SSL #System Administration #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 4 0 334
Discussion Scott Roth · Oct 13, 2022 Docker help - Idea a thon I do not know about others, but Docker and the intro of Docker was not a forte of mine coming into trying out new components of InterSystems IRIS. We are moving to IRIS and with that we want to incorporate into our upgrade. I have been struggling with trying to understand Docker. I know it is not an InterSystems product but the assumption that everyone knows Docker and is using Docker has caused me a great deal of time. What is everyone's thoughts about getting some kind of docker help like a basic understanding within InterSystems documentation. #InterSystems Ideas Portal 3 2 0 214
Discussion Scott Roth · Jun 17, 2022 IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist Test I am going to take the IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist Certification at Global Summit on Monday. Anyone got any tips or suggestions? Thanks #Certification #Global Summit 2022 #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 352