May be you could try simply passing message to the required namespace:

  • Create two operations in the current namespace
  • Configure one of the operation as TCP connection to a business service in the second namespace where you have the required operation(see sample config) 

  • Configure the business service in the second namespace as pass-through to the required operation in that namespace  

@Jorge de la Garza  Thank  you so much for your help with this issue. 

I think what I need to achieve is to get the HealthShare discovery functionality to use the specific URL for the auth server instead of the openID connect call with .well-known/openid.configuration , mainly because  it will be the Integration engine which uses the access token to get the resources and transform it to HL7 or other format of message and send it to other systems. 

Discovery URL for the authorization server I need to connect is but if by default the HealthShare OAuth discovery option is using the OpenID format (.well-known/openid.configuration) , this URL becomes invalid. Is there any way to specify the OAuth2.0 Client Discovery option to not use the openID connect and just use the URL provided in the Issuer endpoint ? 

Apologies if I am asking silly question here . I am new to OAuth.

Thank you @Jorge de la Garza .

I tried the URL with /.well-known/openid-configuration and it failed. I manged to get the correct OpenID discovery url from the  Cerner documentation and I can see the return parameter when I use the new URL in the browser but it not working in the HealthShare OAuth configuration. I am getting Unexpected issuer claim  error 

I enabled the ISCLog to 10 but it is not showing any useful information about the error. 

Also can I please check, if the OAUth configuration in HealthShare can any option other than OpenID connect for discovery?


Hi @Jim Dolson 

This was a feature introduced in 2018.1+

I believe this is something you can change using some setting but this was introduced to improve performance. 

Please see the documentation  for more deatils: http://ubuntu:52773/iris/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GOBJ_persobj_intro... 

(tem server link :

Hope this helps. 



Hi Jeffrey, 

I did try both option below but both had no impact on the behavior. 

set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh")=0


set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh")=1

Intersystem Documentation for this is a bit confusing for this one but what I understand is : setting EnableAutoRefresh =1 actually make automatic refreshes off by default.

set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh") = 1

If you do so, a set of radio buttons appears on Management Portal pages that can be refreshed, enabling users to turn automatic refreshes on and off. On some pages, users can specify the refresh interval. Importantly, when you set the EnableAutoRefresh node to 1, automatic refreshes are off by default.