Execution details for routing rules are located in Ens.Rule.Log. The available values are ID, ActivityName, ConfigName, CurrentHeaderId, DebugId, EffectiveBegin, EffectiveEnd, ErrorMsg, IsError, Reason, ReturnValue, RuleName, RuleSet, SessionId, and TimeExecuted.

In the SQL facility, you can query Ens_Rule.log:

SELECT ID, ConfigName, CurrentHeaderId, RuleName, RuleSet, SessionId, TimeExecuted FROM Ens_Rule.Log

Assuming the stream contains the normal $C(13) segment delimiters:

Class User.HL7.Stream Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod GetCounts(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter, Output pMsgCount As %Numeric, Output pSegCounts As %ArrayOfDataTypes) As %Status
    Do pStream.Rewind()
    Set pStream.LineTerminator = $C(13)
    Set pSegCounts = 0
    While 'pStream.AtEnd
        Set tLine = pStream.ReadLine()
        // Remove leading control characters
        Set tSeg = $ZSTRIP(tLine,"<C")
        // Get the segment name
        Set tSegName = $EXTRACT(tSeg,1,3)
        If tSegName '= ""
            If '$DATA(pSegCounts(tSegName))
                // We have a new subscript
                Set pSegCounts = pSegCounts + 1
                Set pSegCounts(tSegName) = 1
                Set pSegCounts(tSegName) = pSegCounts(tSegName) + 1
    Set pMsgCount = pSegCounts("MSH")
    Return $$$OK


Call the classmethod with the stream as follows:

Do ##class(User.HL7.Stream).GetCounts(stream,.Msgs,.Counts)

Counts will be subscripted by the segment names found in the message stream. In the above example, you'll find the occurrence count of FT1 segments in Counts("FT1") and the number of messages will be in Counts("MSH"). The value returned in Msgs is the same as Counts("MSH").

If you have access to Caché terminal, you can run run queries that won't time out:

(the sample below assumes your namespace is "PROD"; just substitute whatever your production's namespace is for that).


PROD> d $system.SQL.Shell()

SQL Command Line Shell

The command prefix is currently set to: <<nothing>>.
Enter q to quit, ? for help.
PROD>>SELECT COUNT(*) AS AlertCount FROM Ens.MessageHeader WHERE MessageBodyClassName = 'Ens.AlertRequest'




So ... if you don't have BodiesToo checked, you most likely have lots of orphaned message bodies taking up database space. And KeepIntegrity is probably retaining a lot of message headers (and associated bodies) that you don't care about anymore. There are reasons you would not want to turn KeepIntegrity off in earlier versions of Caché/Ensemble, like pre-2015 releases. If you're on a release more modern than that and you don't need to worry about messages with parent/child relationships (certain batch types, for example), you can probably turn that off.

There are a couple of articles regarding the management of orphaned bodies here on DC. Might be worthwhile to peruse them :)

MAX(ID) isn't necessarily the record count. Try a "select count(*) from Ens.AlertRequest" query and see what you get. Compare that to "'select count(*) from Ens.MessageHeader where MessageBodyClassName = 'Ens.AlertRequest'"

If the numbers are in line with the MAX(ID), then my suspicion is that you either don't have "BodiesToo" checked or do have "KeepIntegrity" checked in your purge process configuration. Either of those may be keeping old Ens.AlertRequest bodies around.

If you could provide a little more detail on your use case, there may be a solution that doesn't involve developing a custom service.

For example, you could configure the service with a filename pattern that would retrieve all matching files in the target path, but discard, via a routing rule, any that do not meet the date criteria. The name of the file should be available in the Source property of the message object.

Define them as properties in your task class:

Class User.Task.MessageArchive Extends %SYS.Task.Definition
/// Base directory for the archived files
Property BaseDir As %String [ InitialExpression = "/hsf/archive/" ];
/// The date of the 24 hour period from which the messages will be selected (midnight to midnight)
Property DaysOld As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 23 ];
/// When selected, messages received from services will be archived
Property MessagesInbound As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
/// When selected, messages sent to operations will be archived
Property MessagesOutbound As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
/// Send Notification Email
Property NotifyByEmail As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

These properties can then be referenced in your task's methods with the .. prefix notation.

I've done something similar with COS, but in my case it was the ORC group that was repeating:

Class HICG.Process.MultiORC Extends Ens.BusinessProcess [ ClassType = persistent ]
Property TargetConfigNames As %String(MAXLEN = 1000);
Parameter SETTINGS = "TargetConfigNames:Basic:selector?multiSelect=1&context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId}";
Method OnRequest(pRequest As EnsLib.HL7.Message, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
    Set tORCcnt = pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(*)")
    For i=1:1:tORCcnt
        Set tMsg = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%New()
        Set tMsg.DocType = pRequest.DocType
        // Keep MSH:10 unique
        Set tMsgCtrl = pRequest.GetValueAt("MSH:10")_"."_i
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("MSH"),"MSH")
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(tMsgCtrl,"MSH:10")
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PID"),"PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PID")
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PV1grp.PV1"),"PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PV1grp.PV1")
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp("_i_").ORC"),"PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(1).ORC")
        Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp("_i_").OBR"),"PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(1).OBR")
        Set tOBXcnt = pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp("_i_").OBXgrp(*)")
        For j=1:1:tOBXcnt
            Do tMsg.SetValueAt(pRequest.GetValueAt("PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp("_i_").OBXgrp("_j_").OBX"),"PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(1).OBXgrp("_j_").OBX")
        Set tSC = tMsg.%Save()
        For iTarget=1:1:$L(..TargetConfigNames, ",")
            Set tTarget=$ZStrip($P(..TargetConfigNames,",",iTarget),"<>W")
            Set tSC1 = ..SendRequestAsync(tTarget,tMsg)
            Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
    Return tSC

The audit log can provide information on who changed a production configuration, such as adding or modifying a business host configuration. It does not contain information on who modified or created a routing rule, DTL, BPL or other class associated with running a production.

For the latter you should consider implementing a Source/Version control system that controls how those components progress from development through QA to Prod and tracks who made those changes. Deltanji from George James Software is a strong contender in that area.

Did you select EnsLib.HL7.Service.SOAPService as your service's class? If yes, then I know the following XML format works:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:s='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>


            <Send xmlns="http://tempuri.org">


                        <![CDATA[MSH|^~\&|... rest of hl7 message here, with <CR><LF> at end






I'm assuming you don't have "Act on Validation Error" enabled in the router's settings  ... in which case the message will be set to Completed status even though it failed validation.

If you enable "Act on Validation Error" its status will be set to Error; you'll then be able to select for that status in the Message Viewer and resend. Note that with this setting enabled, you may want to set "Reply Code Actions" to do something other than the default, such as sending the messages to the Suspended Messages facility.

Another option would be to specify a Bad Message Handler; this forwards failed validations to a business host where other actions can be taken such as alerting or logging to a file. You'll also have the option of resubmitting those messages to their original destination by specifying a new target in the Message Viewer's Resend facility.


Looking at the docs, %OpenId() accepts a  concurrency argument. 0 is "no lock," but when using it on a mirror backup I get:

ERROR #939: Insufficient privilege for object access 'EnsLib.HL7.Message::%Open'

Not sure what privilege I can be granted to allow it as I'm running it with the %All role ... but I get the feeling I'm barking up the wrong tree.