Is it possible to check retroactive LOCK history?


I found it in the application error log. Some LOCK errors - ERROR #5803
Is it possible to somehow identify the point in the job or process code that caused these locks?

At the moment I no longer have table LOCKS on the server, but I would like, if possible, to check the time at which the incidents occurred.

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I encountered an unexpected behavior while working with the $ZTIMEH and $ZTIME functions, specifically with times between 12:00 and 13:00. Here's what I observed:

W $ZTIMEH("08:50:38.975411826")
Output: 31838

W $ZTIME(31838,1)
Output: 08:50:38

This behavior is correct as $ZTIME returns the expected time of 08:50:38.

However, with the following example:

W $ZTIMEH("12:05:38.975411826")
Output: 338

W $ZTIME(338,1)
Output: 00:05:38

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Is it possible to start a terminal attached to a process (JOB)?

For example, I have a 548 process being debugged by VSCODE.

I would like to start a terminal, attached to the process to check process global values ​​by running the command "zw ^||MYGLOBAL"

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If you have system tables implementing the "VERSIONPROPERTY" functionality, you may encounter error 5800. This article explains how this error occurs and provides solutions to resolve the issue.

When version checking is implemented, the property specified by VERSIONPROPERTY is automatically incremented each time an instance of the class is updated (either by objects or SQL).

For example:

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This article aims to explore how the FHIR-PEX system operates and was developed, leveraging the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS.

Streamlining the identification and processing of medical examinations in clinical diagnostic centers, our system aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare workflows. By integrating FHIR standards with InterSystems IRIS database Java-PEX, the system help healthcare professionals with validation and routing capabilities, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making and patient care.

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HI ! I'm working on a caché upgrade to IRIS.

in some abstration cls classes, to get a property was used $METHOD(..Obj, propertyName_"Get").
On Caché 2018, had as a return property value, if the property does not exists, an exception of type <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> throwed

Now, on IRIS 2022.1, will always be throwed an exception of type "<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>".

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