Question Joaquin Montero · Mar 2, 2020 InterSystems Kubernetes Operator documentation Hi Everyone, I've been working on deploying an IRIS for Health environment in EKS. There is a video session in the InterSystems learning portal about this feature but I have not succeeded in finding the proper documentation and resources to use this in my Kubernetes cluster. Has this been deprecated/discontinued? Any idea where can I find the resources? Should I stick to StatefulSets instead of using the IrisCluster resource type provided by this operator? #Cloud #Containerization #DevOps #Docker #Kubernetes #Documentation #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 1 394
Question Joaquin Montero · Feb 25, 2020 GitHub, VSCode and IRIS for Health workflow Hello, I've always worked with typical web applications (a bunch of code files that sit in a server that connects to an RDS). Now our team is responsible for different IRIS for Health environments. We are currently working to set up the local dev environment and this is the current scenario: * IRIS for Health local development server is running in a container * Developers are using VSCode with the objectScript plugin * GitHub as a version control system for the code and configuration. #Docker #Git #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 1 526
Question Joaquin Montero · Feb 5, 2020 Code coverage and Linting tool for cache object script Hi everyone, Are there any tools to check the code coverage and to do a lint check for cache object script? Developers will be working with HealthConnect (IRIS based) Thanks. #Coding Guidelines #ObjectScript #Testing #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS 3 4 0 1.1K