If your code base is especially large, you might want to consider creating projects like

  • site.system1.routers
  • site.system1.processes
  • site.system2.routers
  • site.system2.processes
  • site.common.routers
  • site.common.productions

Keep in mind that Atelier projects don't play nicely with XML files that aren't supported by the UDL transformation engine. The community should be able to steer you in the right direction if that becomes a blocker for you.

Hello Michel,

You might want to keep an eye out for some new content that the Learning Services are planning on publishing soon.

Building Custom Business Services Course

This course will be updated for IRIS for Health and includes an FTP example that will include the Attributes property. If you check out the current offering, you'll see that it consumes a file called Appointments.txt from ftp.intersystems.com. See exercise in 3.5 (creation) and 4.3 (implementation). The video uses the File adapter, but the exercise uses FTP.

Hope this helps!

Based on the screen shot, it looks like you tried to save a MAC routine in the RemoteSystemsTempFiles project. This project is not related to Atelier in any way, but should not be blocking you from persisting your change to the file system. 

I encourage you to watch the getting started videos pointed to in other comments and to use the "Cheat Sheets" within the product itself. Go to Help > Cheat Sheets... > Atelier and click the first one. Go through them in order to get a good understanding of Atelier basics.

If after you've done this you are still having trouble, please contact the WRC who are best able to help you troubleshoot. 

Let us know what fixed the problem as an answer here as well please.