Hi Kurro!

Thanks for your article and trying out IntegratedML. To hopefully point you in the right direction:

1. IntegratedML is not "just neural networks", but rather an autoML pipeline (see AutoML Guide) that first tests several ML methods on a subset of the data, then performs a training run using the full data using the ML method (neural networks, logistic regression, random forests, etc) that performed best on the subset of the data. In fact, by default, for regression problems like this, we only use XGBRegressor -- so in this case the method that IntegratedML uses is not a neural network at all!

2. "TRAIN MODEL" only needs to be called once per training dataset. Looping over the examples is handled inside that call.

3. This is potentially too small a dataset to produce reliable results. IntegratedML splits the data internally into training and testing subsets, so you would probably get better output if you have at least 100 random examples.

Kind Regards,


Andrey, we only support H2O as a Provider in the InterSystems IRIS Cloud IntegratedML service. Kinshuk has pointed out that you can make different H2O configurations, each with different default settings you can set with "USING".

But I think the problem is with your data.

Although I haven't seen that error, and the message is not very helpful, the beauty of open source is that you can see (a newer version of) the code for that method "inferDistribution" here -- the code is analyzing the response (target) column and looking at the statistics of the categories. In your case, it only found one category, and needs to find 2 or more.

Please check the data and see if you have reasonable values in your target column. If so, I am happy to dig in further with you and resolve the issue :)


Thanks, Robert -- we will look into that and see what the problem is. Granted, it is Easter Sunday so my apologies that our team will likely get to it at some point tomorrow angel

Note: Our InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL service is not yet publicly available, and we hope this contest uncovers bugs -- so we encourage all the participants in the contest to let us know when they see anything that doesn't match their expectations, no matter how trivial!

Good luck hacking!

InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 is now available on docker hub, you can retry that command.

However, due to Docker changing the terms of licensing, InterSystems is phasing out its Community version listings on docker hub after January 31, 2022.

In the future, we may have a listing there, but that is not finalized.

Currently, as well as in the future, these images can be obtained with docker CLI via:

docker pull containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community:2021.2.0.651.0

Note that containers.intersystems.com does not require authentication when pulling Community Edition (CE) of InterSystems IRIS (see InterSystems Container Registry). Stay tuned for an announcement about our plans for docker hub, and please let us know if you have concerns or questions!

Hi Dmitriy,

We are first getting to the point where we distribute out JDBC driver via Maven, and then we will get it integrated into DBeaver. I am not sure what the current expected timeline is, but it should be this year.

That said, you can use the JDBC driver in DBeaver by configuring a generic jdbc driver connection. Our integration will just provide our driver pre-configured.



Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for your interest, and thanks @Sergey Lukyanchikov and @Eduard Lebedyuk for your work integrating QuickML into the larger ML Toolkit! QuickML is available for internal preview now, and we are encouraging InterSystems employees to experiment and try it out! Please contact me for details.

QuickML will be "GA" this quarter, Q1 2020. We will be reaching out very soon to the Developer Community for feedback and to get more beta testers -- stay tuned!

Hi Julie,

I haven't actually used that feature, but what you described does appear to be the intent of "Context Superclass". From the documentation https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_process, and https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPL_editor 

Attribute or ElementDescriptionValue
contextsuperclassattributeOptional. Lets you specify the superclass for your business process context. This is useful if you have many different business processes that share the same context variables. The idea is that you subclass Ens.BP.Context yourself, adding your own properties, then use that class for the contextsuperclass. If not specified, Ens.BP.Context is the default.A class name.

I think you then would set the default values on the superclass's properties. Again, I haven't used this, so I might be steering you in the wrong direction!