
Do you know that every component in a production has a OnInit() method that is called when the component starts?
You can use this method to set the value of the parameter.

For example:

Method OnInit() As %Status
    Set ..#Token = $System.Util.GetEnviron("Token")
    Quit $$$OK

May be it's more elegant to do so than update the parameter in the Production file.

FYI, that what i do in IOP (Interoperability On Python) to set the value of the parameter of any component in a production.

def on_init(self):
    self.my_param = os.environ.get("MY_PARAM", "default_value")

Hi Evegny,

You can do it in the following way:
* in the production settings, with DefaultSettings docs here
* but default settings is a kind of replacement for environment variables
* you can to it in the code :
* ObjectScript: $system.Util.GetEnviron("MY_ENV_VAR")
* Python: os.environ['MY_ENV_VAR']
* you can use iop (interoperabilty on python) to import production in python way :


import os

            'shvarov.i14y.Production': {
                "Item": [
                        "@Name": "shvarov.i14y.ChatOperation",
                        "@ClassName": "Telegram.BusinessOperation",
                        "@Category": "Reddit",
                        "@PoolSize": "1",
                        "@Enabled": "true",
                        "@Foreground": "false",
                        "@Comment": "",
                        "@LogTraceEvents": "false",
                        "@Schedule": "",
                        "Setting": [
                                "@Target": "Adapter",
                                "@Name": "SSLConfig",
                                "#text": "default"
                                "@Target": "Adapter",
                                "@Name": "Token",
                                "#text": os.environ['TELEGRAM_TOKEN']

and then in the terminal:

$ iop -M settings.py

More information about iop and settings.py here

Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for your feedback.

The -x option is for status, because -s is already used to start a production.

The -e option is for export, and the export can be imported with the -m option.
-m option stand for migrate, because I took the inspiration from the migrate command form django.

I hope it's more clear now.

But if you think, -i for import and -e for export is more clear, I can change it.
Same for -s and -x. What do you think can be short for status?

Another good way is to set the header :

Prefer: return=representation

The payload will be sent you back with the id.

Example :

POST http://localhost:33783/fhir/r4/Patient HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json+fhir
Accept: application/json+fhir
Prefer: return=representation

  "resourceType": "Patient",
  "active": true,
  "name": [
      "use": "official",
      "family": "Donald",
      "given": [

Response :

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:13:40 GMT
Server: Apache
ETAG: W/"1"
EXPIRES: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:04:19 GMT
LAST-MODIFIED: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:13:40 GMT
LOCATION: http://localhost:33783/fhir/r4/Patient/2011/_history/1
PRAGMA: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/fhir+json; charset=UTF-8

  "resourceType": "Patient",
  "active": true,
  "name": [
      "use": "official",
      "family": "Donald",
      "given": [
  "id": "2011",
  "meta": {
    "lastUpdated": "2023-03-29T12:13:40Z",
    "versionId": "1"

Great article, if your are looking for an approach without objectscript and making use of "irispyhton", check this code :

python code :

import pandas as pd

from sqlalchemy import create_engine,types

engine = create_engine('iris+emb:///')

df = pd.read_csv("/irisdev/app/notebook/Notebooks/date_panda.csv")
# change type of FullDate to date
df['FullDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FullDate'])

df.to_sql('DateFact', engine, schema="Demo" ,if_exists='replace', index=True,
        dtype={'DayName': types.VARCHAR(50), 'FullDate': types.DATE, 'MonthName': types.VARCHAR(50),
        'MonthYear': types.INTEGER, 'Year': types.INTEGER})

requirements.txt :




Sure you can, for example to retrieve all the patient with an observation based on the code : 8302-2

[FHIR EndPoint]/Patient?_has:Observation:patient:code=8302-2

More info here : https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#has

For the python part have a look at this git :


It's a simple example how to use python client to interact with a FHIR server.

For fhir-py to create the same query use raw search :


Last but not least, check out our neat implementation of SQL On FHIR aka FHIR SQL Builder

Demo here : https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-fhirsqlbuilder

How to setup a secure connection :

  1. Generate a key pair :
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=* -keyout /irisdev/app/server.key -out /irisdev/app/server.crt
  1. Configure IRIS super server with SSL/TLS :


  1. Use certificate to connect :
python3 -m irissqlcli iris://SuperUser:SYS@localhost:33782/USER -c server.crt

If I understand correctly, the trick is to load the "src/gbl/SYS.xml" file that holds the configuration of git-source-control module.

If we create a new file like a BP or a DTL, we still have to add it to the source control module with the UI.
Then, if we do so, we have to update the "src/gbl/SYS.xml" file with the new file.

Am I right ?